Смотреть что такое "saddle-back" в других словарях:
saddle-back snapper — juostuotoji cezija statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Paracaesio kusakarii angl. banded fusilier; saddle back snapper rus. окаймлённый парацезио; японский парацезио ryšiai: platesnis terminas –… … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas
saddle back — see lordosis … Medical dictionary
saddle nose — saddle back nose, swayback nose concavity of the contour of the bridge of the nose due to collapse of cartilaginous or bony support, or both; it was once most often due to congenital syphilis, but is now more commonly the result of trauma,… … Medical dictionary
Saddle (disambiguation) — A saddle may be: Animal Riding Saddle* A riding saddle, a seat for a rider fastened to an animal s back: ** English Saddle ** Western Saddle ** Sidesaddle ** McClellan Saddle, designed for cavalry units ** Saddle blanket, placed under a… … Wikipedia
Saddle seat — is a style of horseback riding within the category of English riding that is designed to show off the high trotting action of certain horse breeds. The style developed into its modern form in the United States, and is also seen in Canada and… … Wikipedia
Saddle-backed Rodrigues giant tortoise — Two views of an empty C. vosmaeri carapace. Conservation status … Wikipedia
Saddle-backed Mauritius giant tortoise — Conservation status Extinct (IUCN 2.3) Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Saddle — Sad dle, n. [OE. sadel, AS. sadol; akin to D. zadel, G. sattel, OHG. satal, satul, Icel. s[ o][eth]ull, Dan. & Sw. sadel; cf. Russ. siedlo; all perh. ultimately from the root of E. sit.] 1. A seat for a rider, usually made of leather, padded to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Saddle bar — Saddle Sad dle, n. [OE. sadel, AS. sadol; akin to D. zadel, G. sattel, OHG. satal, satul, Icel. s[ o][eth]ull, Dan. & Sw. sadel; cf. Russ. siedlo; all perh. ultimately from the root of E. sit.] 1. A seat for a rider, usually made of leather,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Saddle gall — Saddle Sad dle, n. [OE. sadel, AS. sadol; akin to D. zadel, G. sattel, OHG. satal, satul, Icel. s[ o][eth]ull, Dan. & Sw. sadel; cf. Russ. siedlo; all perh. ultimately from the root of E. sit.] 1. A seat for a rider, usually made of leather,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Saddle girth — Saddle Sad dle, n. [OE. sadel, AS. sadol; akin to D. zadel, G. sattel, OHG. satal, satul, Icel. s[ o][eth]ull, Dan. & Sw. sadel; cf. Russ. siedlo; all perh. ultimately from the root of E. sit.] 1. A seat for a rider, usually made of leather,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English