
1. сущ. годичный отпуск (обыкн. преподавателю колледжа или университета для научной работы)
2. прил.
1) субботний (у евреев)
2) воскресный (у христиан) ∙ - sabbatical year (американизм) (университетское) годичный отпуск (преподавателю для научной работы) (S.) субботний (у евреев) ;
воскресный (у христиан) (книжное) приносящий отдохновение, покой - * calm торжественная тишина > * year (библеизм) каждый седьмой год;
(тж. * leave)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sabbatical" в других словарях:

  • sabbatical — sab‧bat‧i‧cal [səˈbætɪkl] noun [countable, uncountable] HUMAN RESOURCES a period of time when someone, especially someone in a university teaching job, stops doing their usual work in order to work in business, to study, or travel: • He spent… …   Financial and business terms

  • Sabbatical — [sə bat′i kəl] adj. [< Fr sabbatique < LL(Ec) sabbaticus < Gr sabbatikos < sabbaton (see SABBATH) + AL] 1. of or suited to the Sabbath 2. [s ] bringing a period of rest that recurs in regular cycles n. [s ] 1. a recurring period of… …   English World dictionary

  • sabbatical — 1640s, of or suitable for the Sabbath, from L. sabbaticus, from Gk. sabbatikos of the Sabbath (see SABBATH (Cf. Sabbath)). Meaning a year s absence granted to researchers (originally one year in seven, to university professors) first recorded… …   Etymology dictionary

  • sabbatical — ► NOUN ▪ a period of paid leave granted to a university teacher for study or travel (traditionally one year for every seven years worked). ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to a sabbatical. 2) archaic of or appropriate to the sabbath. ORIGIN from Greek… …   English terms dictionary

  • sabbatical — (izg. sebètikl) m DEFINICIJA razg. slobodna studijska godina koju sveučilišni nastavnici mogu koristiti svake sedme godine radi daljnjeg usavršavanja ETIMOLOGIJA engl. ← grč. sabbatikós: koji se odnosi na Šabat, v. prema Bibliji, razdoblje od… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • sabbatical — [n] leave break, furlough, holiday, leave of absence, liberty, recess, time off, vacation; concepts 802,807 …   New thesaurus

  • Sabbatical — A sabbatical (from the Latin sabbaticus , from the Greek sabbatikos , from Hebrew shabbathon , i.e., Sabbath) is a rest from work, a hiatus, typically 2 months plus. The concept of a sabbatical has a source in several places in the Bible… …   Wikipedia

  • Sabbatical — Das Sabbatical ist ein Arbeitszeitmodell. Im neuzeitlichen, übertragenen Sinn des aus den USA stammenden Begriffs sabbatical, auch Sabbatjahr, bezeichnet es entweder ein Jahr der Teilzeitarbeit oder ein Jahr der Auszeit (das wäre dann das… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sabbatical — n. 1) to give, grant a sabbatical 2) to get; have; take a sabbatical 3) (to be, go) on a sabbatical (she was on a sabbatical) * * * [sə bætɪk(ə)l] grant a sabbatical have take a sabbatical to get to give (to be, go) on a sabbatical (she was on a… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Sabbatical — Langzeiturlaub * * * Sab|ba|ti|cal [sə bɛtɪkl̩], das; s, s [engl. sabbatical, zu: sabbatical = Sabbat…; zum Sabbat gehörig < spätlat. sabbaticus < griech. sabbatikós]: (neben dem jährlichen Erholungsurlaub) einmal in einem längeren Zeitraum …   Universal-Lexikon

  • sabbatical — noun (C, U) a period when someone, especially someone in a university job, stops doing their usual work in order to study or travel: be on sabbatical: Dr Watson s not here at the moment, she s on sabbatical. sabbatical adjective: a sabbatical… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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