- ryot
- ˈraɪət сущ. индийский крестьянин, земледелец индийский крестянин, земледелец ryot индийский крестьянин, земледелец
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Ryot — Ry ot (r[imac] [o^]t), n. [Ar. & Hind. ra iyat, the same word as ra iyah, a subject, tenant, peasant. See {Rayah}.] A peasant or cultivator of the soil. [India] [1913 Webster] The Indian ryot and the Egyptian fellah work for less pay than any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ryot — or Ravat (from an Arabic word raiyat, which originates from ra a] meaning etymologically, a herd at pasture and subjects in a collective sense, properly a subject, then a tenant of the soil. The word ryot is used throughout India for the general… … Wikipedia
Ryot — Ryot, s. Raiot … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
ryot — [rī′ət] n. [Hindi raiyat < Ar raʼīya, flock, herd] in India, a peasant or tenant farmer … English World dictionary
ryot — n. Indian peasant. ♦ ryotwar, a. pertaining to system of rent or tax collecting with direct settlement between goverment and ryot. ♦ ryotwary, n. & a … Dictionary of difficult words
ryot — /ruy euht/, n. (in India) 1. a peasant. 2. a person who holds land as a cultivator of the soil. [1615 25; < Hindi raiyat < Pers < Ar ra iyah subjects, lit., flock] * * * … Universalium
ryot — noun A farmer or tiller of the soil … Wiktionary
ryot — [ rʌɪət] noun an Indian peasant or tenant farmer. Origin from Urdu raiyat, from Arab. ra῾īyya flock, subjects , from ra῾ā to pasture … English new terms dictionary
ryot — ry·ot … English syllables
ryot — ry•ot [[t]ˈraɪ ət[/t]] n. raj (in India) a tenant farmer; peasant • Etymology: 1615–25; < Hindi raiyat < Pers < Ar ra‘īyah subjects, lit., flock … From formal English to slang
ryot — /ˈraɪət/ (say ruyuht) noun (in India) 1. a peasant. 2. a tenant farmer. {Hindi raiyat, from Persian ra īyat, from Arabic ra īya} …