- rusts
- Ржавеет
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
rusts — Species of Puccinia and other microbes constituting important pathogens of plants, especially cereal grains; they are important allergens for humans when inhaled in large numbers, as in harvesting processes … Medical dictionary
rusts — rÊŒst n. flaky orange coating which forms on metal due to the oxidation of iron; fungal disease of plants characterized by reddish or brown spots on the leaves and stem (Botany) v. become corroded due to the oxidation of iron, become rusty … English contemporary dictionary
rusts — plural of rust present third singular of rust … Useful english dictionary
fungus — fungic /fun jik/, adj. funguslike, adj. /fung geuhs/, n., pl. fungi /fun juy, fung guy/, funguses, adj. n. 1. any of a diverse group of eukaryotic single celled or multinucleate organisms that live by decomposing and absorbing the organic… … Universalium
Basidiomycota — Taxobox name = Basidiomycota image width = 250px image caption = Basidiomycetes from Ernst Haeckel s 1904 Kunstformen der Natur regnum = Fungi subregnum = Dikarya phylum = Basidiomycota phylum authority = R.T. Moore, 1980 [cite journal | author … Wikipedia
Melampsora medusae — Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Phylum: Basidiomycota Class: Urediniomycetes … Wikipedia
Julius Oscar Brefeld — (August 19, 1839 January 12, 1925) was a German botanist and mycologist who was a native of Telgte. He studied pharmacy in Heidelberg and Berlin, and afterwards became an assistant to Anton de Bary at the University of Halle. In 1878 he came a… … Wikipedia
Melampsora medusae — Melampsora medusa … Wikipédia en Français
Cronartium — ribicola on Western White Pine Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Bref. — Julius Oscar Brefeld Julius Oscar Brefeld est un botaniste et un mycologue allemand, né le 19 août 1839 en Westphalie et mort le 12 janvier 1925 à Schlachtensee. Après des études de pharmacie, il devient, en 1863, l’assistant de Heinrich Anton de … Wikipédia en Français
Julius Oscar Brefeld — est un botaniste et un mycologue allemand, né le 19 août 1839 en Westphalie et mort le 12 janvier 1925 à Schlachtensee. Après des études de pharmacie, il devient, en 1863, l’assistant de Heinrich Anton de Bary (1831 1888) à l’université de Halle … Wikipédia en Français