rural service

rural service
связь низовая

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rural service" в других словарях:

  • Rural Service Area —    (RSA)    When the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued cellular radio licenses it divided the United States into Rural Service Area (RSA) and Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) markets. The FCC designated 428 rural markets across… …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Rural Radio Network — The Rural Radio Network (RRN) was an interconnected group of six commercial FM radio stations spread across upstate New York and operated from Ithaca, NY the first all radio, no wireline network in the world. [ Pattern for FM Profit: Part 6… …   Wikipedia

  • Rural Letter Carrier — Rural Letter Carriers deliver mail in what was traditionally considered rural areas of the United States. The rural carrier work force is comprised of the following categories of employees:Regular Carriers (Designation Code 71) For administrative …   Wikipedia

  • Rural electrification — is the process of bringing electrical power to rural and remote areas. Electricity is used not only for lighting and household purposes, but it also allows for mechanization of many farming operations, such as threshing, milking, and hoisting… …   Wikipedia

  • Rural housing — in the United KingdomThe lack of affordable housing is one of the most critical issues facing rural communities in the UK.Fact|date=September 2008Some of the consequences of this are: *People have to move away to find affordable housing which… …   Wikipedia

  • RURAL (AMÉNAGEMENT) — Le terme «aménagement» dérive du mot «ménage». Ce dernier prend son origine dans le mentio latin, c’est à dire la demeure. Il désigne tout ce qui concerne les soins, la surveillance de ce qui intéresse la maison. Ménager son bien, c’est… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Rural community development — encompasses a range of approaches and activities that aim to improve the welfare and livelihoods of people living in rural areas. As a branch of community development, these approaches pay attention to social issues particularly community… …   Wikipedia

  • Rural Business-Cooperative Service — (abbreviated as RBS ) is the official, legal name of the Federal agency within U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development USDA Rural Development responsible for administering various economic development programs to rural communities in the …   Wikipedia

  • Service public (France) — Service public en France Droit administratif | Généralités Histoire du droit administratif français Dualité des ordres de juridiction : administratif · judiciaire Biens : Domaine public …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Service public en france — Droit administratif | Généralités Histoire du droit administratif français Dualité des ordres de juridiction : administratif · judiciaire Biens : Domaine public …   Wikipédia en Français

  • RURAL (DROIT) — Une querelle de terminologie divise la doctrine. Doit on employer l’expression «droit agricole», ou bien «droit agraire» ou encore «droit rural»? L’affaire est d’importance car elle conditionne le domaine de ce droit. Les termes de «droit… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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