running gear
Смотреть что такое "running gear" в других словарях:
Running gear — Gear Gear (g[=e]r), n. [OE. gere, ger, AS. gearwe clothing, adornment, armor, fr. gearo, gearu, ready, yare; akin to OHG. garaw[=i], garw[=i] ornament, dress. See {Yare}, and cf. {Garb} dress.] 1. Clothing; garments; ornaments. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
running gear — ☆ running gear n. 1. the wheels, axles, frame, etc. of a cart or carriage 2. the parts of a motor vehicle not producing or controlling power, including the frame, suspension, steering, and brakes … English World dictionary
Running gear — The term running gear may be used to describe:* The wheels, suspension, steering, powertrain (usually) chassis/bodyshell of a motor car or automobile. * The wheels, axles, axle boxes, springs and vehicle frame of a railway locomotive or wagon… … Wikipedia
running gear — pabūklo važiuoklė statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Kovinė ašis su ratais arba vikšrais pabūklui judėti ir remtis į gruntą. Pabūklo važiuoklės pasirinkimas priklauso nuo pabūklo konstrukcijos, masės, kalibro ir reikiamo judėjimo greičio.… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
running gear — run′ning gear n. the working components of a vehicle that are not used to develop or transmit power • Etymology: 1655–65, amer … From formal English to slang
running gear — noun 1. : running rigging 2. a. : the wheels and axles of a wagon or carriage in distinction from the body b. : the parts of an automobile chassis (as the frame, springs, axles, a … Useful english dictionary
running gear — noun Date: 1662 1. the working and carrying parts of a machine (as a locomotive) 2. the parts of an automobile chassis not used in developing, transmitting, and controlling power … New Collegiate Dictionary
running gear — the working components of a motor driven or steam driven vehicle other than those used to develop or transmit power, as wheels, axles or springs, as distinguished from the body. [1655 65, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
running gear — noun the moving parts of a machine, especially the wheels, steering, and suspension of a vehicle. ↘the moving rope and tackle used in handling a boat … English new terms dictionary
running gear — [1] The system of the engine, transmission, drive shaft, differential, and wheels. [2] The parts of the vehicle which cause the wheels to roll, i.e., suspension, steering components, springs, shock absorbers … Dictionary of automotive terms
Gear — (g[=e]r), n. [OE. gere, ger, AS. gearwe clothing, adornment, armor, fr. gearo, gearu, ready, yare; akin to OHG. garaw[=i], garw[=i] ornament, dress. See {Yare}, and cf. {Garb} dress.] 1. Clothing; garments; ornaments. [1913 Webster] Array thyself … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English