running around

running around

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "running around" в других словарях:

  • be running around like a headless chicken — informal phrase to be trying to do a lot of things quickly without being sensible or calm about it Thesaurus: to be busysynonym Main entry: headless chicken …   Useful english dictionary

  • around — 1. preposition /əˈɹaʊnd,əˈɹæwnd/ a) Defining a circle or closed curve containing a thing. I planted a row of lillies around the statue. b) Following the perimeter of a specified area and returning to the starting point …   Wiktionary

  • around vs round —   A lot of sites say that around and round are the same, but there can be a difference, especially in BrE.   If someone says They were running around , it implies the movement is erratic.   For example: Children tend to run around at school.   In …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • around vs round —   A lot of sites say that around and round are the same, but there can be a difference, especially in BrE.   If someone says They were running around , it implies the movement is erratic.   For example: Children tend to run around at school.   In …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • Running with Scissors (memoir) — Running with Scissors   …   Wikipedia

  • Running Scared (2006 film) — Running Scared Theatrical release poster Directed by Wayne Kramer Produced by Andr …   Wikipedia

  • Running the gauntlet — (alternative spellings gantlet and rarely gantlope or gantelope) is a form of physical punishment wherein a man is compelled to run between two rows a gauntlet of soldiers who strike him as he passes.Roman predecessorFustuarium (a Latin… …   Wikipedia

  • Running rigging — is the term for the rigging of a sailing vessel that is used for raising, lowering and controlling the sails as opposed to the standing rigging, which supports the mast and other spars.Traditionally the running rigging was easily recognized since …   Wikipedia

  • Running the aisles — is an ecstatic expression of worship that occurs occasionally in some contexts of worship in the Pentecostal and Holiness movements. As the expression suggests, when a person runs the aisles in a worship setting, he leaves his seat and runs down… …   Wikipedia

  • Running-fight — games are board games that essentially combine the method of race games (such as backgammon or pachisi) and the goal of elimination based games such as chess or draughts. Like race games, pieces are moved along linear tracks based on the fall of… …   Wikipedia

  • Running Scared (1972 film) — Running Scared is a 1972 film written and directed by David Hemmings. This was the only film written by Hemmings, and his first time directing. It was based on a novel of the same name written by Gregory McDonald.Robert Powell played Tom… …   Wikipedia

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