- runaway victory
- спорт легкая победа легкая победа
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
runaway — /run euh way /, n. 1. a person who runs away; fugitive; deserter. 2. a horse or team that has broken away from control. 3. the act of running away. 4. a decisive or easy victory. 5. a young person, esp. a teenager, who has run away from home. adj … Universalium
runaway — run|a|way1 [ˈrʌnəweı] adj [only before noun] 1.) a runaway vehicle or animal is out of control ▪ a runaway horse 2.) happening very easily or quickly, and not able to be controlled ▪ The film was a runaway success . ▪ runaway inflation ▪ a… … Dictionary of contemporary English
runaway — 1. noun a teenage runaway Syn: fugitive, escapee; refugee; truant; absconder, deserter 2. adjective 1) a runaway horse Syn: out of control, escaped, loose, on the loose 2) a runaway vict … Thesaurus of popular words
runaway — [run′ə wā΄] n. 1. a person, animal, etc. that is running away or has run away; specif., a) a fugitive or deserter b) a horse, team of horses, etc. that has broken loose from control of the rider or driver 2. the act of running away 3. a runaway… … English World dictionary
Runaway Scrape — The Runaway Scrape was the name given to the flight of Anglo and Tejano settlers from their homes in Texas when Antonio López de Santa Anna began his march through the eastern part of the state between the fall of the Alamo in March 1836 and Sam… … Wikipedia
runaway — I. noun Date: 1547 1. one that runs away from danger, duty, or restraint ; fugitive 2. the act of running away out of control; also something (as a horse) that is running out of control 3. a one sided or overwhelming victory II. adjective Date:… … New Collegiate Dictionary
runaway — run•a•way [[t]ˈrʌn əˌweɪ[/t]] n. 1) a person who runs away; fugitive; deserter 2) a horse or team that has broken away 3) the act of running away 4) an easy victory 5) cvb a young person who has run away from home 6) escaped; fugitive 7) (esp. of … From formal English to slang
Runaway Officials of 1851 — The Runaway Officials of 1851 were a group of three federal officers, Judge Perry Brocchus, Judge Lemuel Brandenbury, and Territorial Secretary Broughton Harris, who were appointed to Utah Territory by President Millard Fillmore in 1851. These… … Wikipedia
runaway — Synonyms and related words: DP, absconder, at large, bolter, breather, cakewalk, cinch, conquest, deserter, disappearing, disengaged, displaced person, easy, effortless, eloper, emigre, escaped, escapee, evacuee, fled, fleer, flown, free,… … Moby Thesaurus
runaway — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. fugitive, escapee, truant, renegade; refugee, turntail, fly by night, hit and run, lam[mi]ster (sl.); landslide, no contest, walkover (inf.), white wash (inf.). See cowardice, escape, success. adj.… … English dictionary for students
Pyrrhic victory — Synonyms and related words: Cadmean victory, KO, ascendancy, championship, conquest, easy victory, grand slam, knockout, landslide, landslide victory, mastery, moral victory, picnic, pushover, runaway victory, subdual, subduing, success, total… … Moby Thesaurus