
тж. runout
1) а) выход, выбегание;
истечение, выделение, выпуск;
бегство to take a run-out powder ≈ амер.;
сл. смыться;
сбежать, скрыться Syn : outflow
1. ;
1. б) тех. утечка;
течь Syn : leak
1. , leakage в) движение по инерции г) метал. вытекание (металла из вагранки, литейной формы) metal run-outвытекание металла
2) изнашивание, износ
3) фиктивный аукцион;
мошеннический аукцион Syn : a mock auction
4) тех. диффузор;
отросток трубопровода, патрубок
5) спорт площадка для остановки у горнолыжников изнашивание, износ выход, выпуск (специальное) движение по инерции, выбег (техническое) биение, эксцентричность (вращающейся детали) (техническое) диффузор разбег (самолета) (военное) накат (орудия) выход из игры во время бега (крикет) выхот вратаря на мяч (футбол) (кинематографический) концовка кинофильма

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "run-out" в других словарях:

  • run out — [v] fail, be exhausted be cleaned out*, be out of, cease, close, come to a close, depart, dissipate, dry up, end, exhaust, expire, finish, give out, go, have no more, have none left, lose, peter out*, stop, terminate, tire, waste, waste away,… …   New thesaurus

  • run-out — ► NOUN 1) Cricket the dismissal of a batsman by being run out. 2) informal a short session of play or practice in a sport …   English terms dictionary

  • run out of — run out (of (something)) to have no more of something. He just ran out of ideas. Time simply ran out …   New idioms dictionary

  • run out — (of (something)) to have no more of something. He just ran out of ideas. Time simply ran out …   New idioms dictionary

  • run-out — /run owt /, n. Manège. the act of evading a jump or jumping outside of the limiting markers. [1865 70; n. use of v. phrase run out] * * * …   Universalium

  • run out — ► run out 1) use up or be used up. 2) become no longer valid. 3) extend; project. 4) Cricket dismiss (a batsman) by dislodging the bails with the ball while the batsman is still running. Main Entry: ↑run …   English terms dictionary

  • run-out — /run owt /, n. Manège. the act of evading a jump or jumping outside of the limiting markers. [1865 70; n. use of v. phrase run out] …   Useful english dictionary

  • run out on — (someone) to leave or stop supporting someone who depends on you. Bob ran out on his wife and family …   New idioms dictionary

  • run out — index close (terminate), expire, lapse (cease), terminate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Run out — For the term run out, used in equestrian sport, see refusal Run out is a method of dismissal in the sport of cricket. It is governed by Law 38 of the Laws of cricket.The rulesA batsman is out Run out if at any time while the ball is in play no… …   Wikipedia

  • run out — Synonyms and related words: advance, ago, antiquated, antique, apostatize, be all over, be consumed, be done for, be no more, be used up, become extinct, become void, betray, blow, blow out, blow over, blown over, bolt, bow out, break away, break …   Moby Thesaurus

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