run counter
Смотреть что такое "run counter" в других словарях:
run counter to — (something) to be the opposite of something. The article presents facts that run counter to what many of us believed had happened … New idioms dictionary
run counter to — 1. To move in the opposite direction (to) 2. To act or happen in a way contrary (to instructions, expectations, etc) • • • Main Entry: ↑counter … Useful english dictionary
run counter — index check (restrain), confront (oppose), counteract Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
run counter to — index antagonize, collide (clash), conflict, confront (oppose), contradict, contravene, counte … Law dictionary
run counter — v. (d; intr.) to run counter to (their actions run counter to their promises) * * * (d; intr.) to run counter to (their actions run counter to their promises) … Combinatory dictionary
run counter to something — run counter to (something) to be the opposite of something. The article presents facts that run counter to what many of us believed had happened … New idioms dictionary
run counter — verb To defy or oppose something, especially an expectation, custom, or social standard. Syn: go against the grain … Wiktionary
run counter to — resist, oppose … English contemporary dictionary
counter — 1. n. 1 a a long flat topped fitment in a shop, bank, etc., across which business is conducted with customers. b a similar structure used for serving food etc. in a cafeteria or bar. 2 a a small disc used for keeping the score etc. esp. in table… … Useful english dictionary
counter — 1 noun (C) 1 SHOP the place where you pay or are served in a shop, bank, restaurant etc 2 over the counter drugs, medicines etc that are bought over the counter are ones that you can buy in a shop without a prescription (1) from a doctor 3 under… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
counter — counter1 /kown teuhr/, n. 1. a table or display case on which goods can be shown, business transacted, etc. 2. (in restaurants, luncheonettes, etc.) a long, narrow table with stools or chairs along one side for the patrons, behind which… … Universalium