rumble seat

rumble seat
амер. заднее откидное сиденье (в кузове спортивного автомобиля) заднее откидное сиденье (в кузове автомобиля спортивного типа)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rumble seat" в других словарях:

  • rumble seat — ☆ rumble seat n. in some earlier automobiles, an open seat in the rear, behind the roofed seat, which could be folded shut when not in use …   English World dictionary

  • Rumble seat — This 1931 Ford Model A sport roadster features a rumble seat A rumble seat, dicky seat, dickie seat or dickey seat is an upholstered exterior seat which hinges or otherwise opens out from the …   Wikipedia

  • rumble seat — noun An extra passenger seat or row of seats in an automobile, which typically folds away into a rear storage compartment. I suspected I wouldnt care an awful lot for his companionship, so I put him and another one in the rumble seat, and with… …   Wiktionary

  • rumble seat — noun a folding outside seat in the back of some early cars • Hypernyms: ↑seat • Part Holonyms: ↑roadster, ↑runabout, ↑two seater * * * noun, pl ⋯ seats [count] US old fashioned : a seat in the back of a car that folds down and is not covered by… …   Useful english dictionary

  • rumble seat — 1. Also called, Brit., dickey. a seat recessed into the back of a coupe or roadster, covered by a hinged lid that opens to form the back of the seat when in use. 2. Furniture. See wagon seat. 3. Slang. the buttocks. [1910 15] * * * …   Universalium

  • rumble seat — rum′ble seat n. trs aum a seat recessed into the back of a coupe or roadster, covered by a hinged lid that opens to form the back of the seat when in use • Etymology: 1910–15 …   From formal English to slang

  • rumble seat — A seat occasionally occupied by a flight deck observer or by a flight attendant during takeoff and landing. Also called a jump seat …   Aviation dictionary

  • rumble seat — noun Date: 1912 a folding seat in the back of an automobile (as a coupe or roadster) not covered by the top …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • rumble seat — noun N. Amer. an uncovered folding seat in the rear of a car …   English new terms dictionary

  • rumble seat — (RS) An open air seat at the back of some older automobiles. Called a dickey in Britain …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • rumble seat — /ˈrʌmbəl sit/ (say rumbuhl seet) noun US → dicky1 (def. 4) …  

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