rule out

rule out

1) вычеркивать Rule out neatly any words which you do not wish the examiner to read. ≈ Аккуратно зачеркни те слова, которые ты хочешь показывать экзаменатору.
2) исключать The government has ruled out any further support for the industry. ≈ Правительство отказало в дальнейшей помощи индустрии.
3) мешать, препятствовать A sudden storm ruled out the boat race. ≈ Из-за внезапного шторма регату пришлось отменить. отделить чертой, провести линейкой черту исключать - the regulations * anyone under the age of 18 устав не допускает лиц моложе 18 лет - a possibility that cannot be ruled out возможность, которую нельзя исключить - the President did not * his own participation in the conference президент считал возможным свое собственное участие в конференции - the doctor ruled out visits from relatives доктор запретил родственникам посещать больного

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rule out" в других словарях:

  • rule out of — ˌrule ˈout of [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they rule out of he/she/it rules out of present participle ruling out of past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • rule out — (something) to stop considering something as a possibility. My doctor has ruled out drinking tea or coffee. Let s see how much the trip will cost before we rule it out …   New idioms dictionary

  • rule out — [v] exclude, reject abolish, avert, ban, bate, cancel, count out, debar, deter, dismiss, eliminate, except, forbid, forestall, forfend, leave out, not consider, obviate, preclude, prevent, prohibit, proscribe, recant, revoke, stave off, suspend,… …   New thesaurus

  • rule out — ► rule out/in exclude (or include) as a possibility. Main Entry: ↑rule …   English terms dictionary

  • rule out/in — ► rule out/in exclude (or include) as a possibility. Main Entry: ↑rule …   English terms dictionary

  • rule out — index delete, deter, dismiss (put out of consideration), disqualify, eliminate (exclude), exclude, negate, o …   Law dictionary

  • rule out — eliminate, debar, *exclude, shut out, suspend, disbar, blackball Analogous words: bar, block (see HINDER): *prevent, preclude, obviate …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • rule out — verb 1. make impossible, especially beforehand (Freq. 6) • Syn: ↑preclude, ↑close out • Derivationally related forms: ↑preclusive (for: ↑preclude) …   Useful english dictionary

  • rule out of — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms rule out of : present tense I/you/we/they rule out of he/she/it rules out of present participle ruling out of past tense ruled out of past participle ruled out of rule someone out of something to make it… …   English dictionary

  • rule out — {v.} 1. To say that (something) must not be done; not allow; also: decide against. * /The principal ruled out dances on school nights./ * /The play was ruled out by the referee./ * /Jean probably will not go to college, but she has not ruled that …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • rule out — {v.} 1. To say that (something) must not be done; not allow; also: decide against. * /The principal ruled out dances on school nights./ * /The play was ruled out by the referee./ * /Jean probably will not go to college, but she has not ruled that …   Dictionary of American idioms

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