rule of signs

rule of signs
правило знаков

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rule of signs" в других словарях:

  • Descartes' rule of signs — In mathematics, Descartes rule of signs, first described by René Descartes in his work La Géométrie, is a technique for determining the number of positive or negative real roots of a polynomial. The rule gives us an upper bound number of positive …   Wikipedia

  • descartes's rule of signs — (ˈ)dā|kärts , kȧts Usage: usually capitalized D Etymology: after René Descartes died 1650 French philosopher and mathematician : a rule of algebra: in an algebraic equation with real coefficients, F(x) = 0, arranged according to powers of x, the …   Useful english dictionary

  • Rule of St. Benedict — • Lengthy article on the text of the Rule and its composition, some analysis, and practical application Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Rule of St. Benedict     Rule of St. Benedict …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Rule of Saint Benedict — The Rule of Saint Benedict ( Regula Benedicti ) is a book of precepts written by St. Benedict of Nursia for monks living in community under the authority of an abbot. Since about the 7th century it has also been adopted by communities of women.… …   Wikipedia

  • Signs of Hope in Africa — ▪ 1997       by Kenneth Ingham       In November 1996 the Mozambican government withdrew a draft law on defense and the armed forces from the business of the current session of the national assembly because the elected opposition had described it …   Universalium

  • Semiotic elements and classes of signs — C. S. Peirce articles  General:    Charles Sanders Peirce Charles Sanders Peirce bibliography Philosophical:    Categories (Peirce) Semiotic elements and   classes of signs (Peirce) Pragmatic maxim • Pragmaticism… …   Wikipedia

  • Ja Rule — with Jaid Barrymore Background information Birth name Jeffery Atkins Born …   Wikipedia

  • Road signs in the Republic of Ireland — mostly differ from the traffic signs used elsewhere in Europe. Directional signage is similar to that of the United Kingdom, but is bilingual. Distances are in kilometres, unlike in the UK where Imperial measurements are still used. Apart from… …   Wikipedia

  • Road signs in the United Kingdom — conform broadly to European norms, though a number of signs are unique to Britain and direction signs omit European route numbers. The system currently in use was developed in the late 1950s and the early 1960s by the Anderson Committee, which… …   Wikipedia

  • Call signs in North America — are frequently still used by North American broadcast stations in addition to amateur radio and other international radio stations that continue to identify by call signs around the world. Each country has a different set of patterns for its own… …   Wikipedia

  • Chemical safety signs — In our everyday, we use chemicals for a variety of our jobs. This includes work at office work and also household work as well. Even when it comes to bathroom cleaning or polishing our kitchen tiles we are using chemicals. This is the reason that …   Wikipedia

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