rule of selection
Смотреть что такое "rule of selection" в других словарях:
Rule 5 draft — The Rule 5 draft is a Major League Baseball player draft that occurs each year in December, at the annual Winter Meeting of general managers. The Rule 5 draft aims to prevent teams from stockpiling too many young players on their minor league… … Wikipedia
selection rule — Physics. any of several rules designating allowed transitions between quantum states in terms of the quantum numbers associated with the states. * * * ▪ atomic physics in quantum mechanics, any of a set of restrictions governing the… … Universalium
Selection rule — In physics and chemistry, especially in the context of quantum mechanics, a selection rule is a condition constraining the physical properties of the initial system and the final system that is necessary for a process to occur with a nonzero… … Wikipedia
selection rule — atrankos taisyklė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. selection rule vok. Auswahlregel, f rus. правило отбора, n pranc. loi de sélection, f; règle de sélection, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
selection rule — atrankos taisyklė statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Taisyklė, nusakanti kvantinių vyksmų tikimybę. atitikmenys: angl. selection rule vok. Auswahlregel, f rus. правило отбора, n pranc. règle de sélection, f … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
Rule 5 draft results — 2007 Major League Phase 2006 Major League Phase 2005 Major League Phase 2004 Major League Phase 2003 Major League Phase 2002 Major League Phase 1999 Major League Phase References * [… … Wikipedia
selection rule — atrankos taisyklė statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Taisyklė, nusakanti kvantinių procesų tikimybę. atitikmenys: angl. selection rule rus. правило отбора … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Rule The School — CBBC s Rule the School is a modern role reversal, reality TV show for teenagers. The basis of the show was to take five talented school pupils and 10 school teachers and swap roles. The pupils became the teachers and the teachers became the… … Wikipedia
selection rule — noun Physics a rule which describes whether particular quantum transitions in an atom or molecule are allowed or forbidden … English new terms dictionary
selection rule — noun : a rule that states which of all the conceivable changes in the state of a quantized system (atoms, nuclei, or related entities) are physically possible under specified circumstances usually in terms of the possible numerical changes in the … Useful english dictionary
Labour Party Rule Book — The Labour Party Rule Book is the governing document for the Labour Party in the United Kingdom and contains the Labour Party Constitution. The first part is known as Constitutional rules and contains the most important provision for Labour party … Wikipedia