rule nisi
Смотреть что такое "rule nisi" в других словарях:
rule nisi — n. An ex parte order that will become final unless the affected party can show a reason why it should not. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
rule nisi — A rule which will become imperative and final unless cause be shown against it. This rule commands the party to show cause why he should not be compelled to do the act required, or why the object of the rule should not be enforced. An ex parte… … Black's law dictionary
rule nisi — A rule or order of court granted ex parte on the motion of one party, directing the other party to the action or proceeding to show cause why the rule should not be made absolute, such ex parte rule becoming absolute unless such cause is shown.… … Ballentine's law dictionary
rule nisi — noun A procedure which calls upon a party to show cause as to why a proposed rule should be applied by the court … Wiktionary
rule nisi — /rul ˈnaɪsaɪ/ (say roohl nuysuy) noun an order made by the court calling on the party against whom it is made to show cause why the rule should not be made absolute …
rule nisi — noun : a rule or order upon condition that is to become absolute unless cause is shown to the contrary … Useful english dictionary
Rule absolute — In the context of American lawIs a mandate or court order.In the context of the old English ReportsHistorically English Law struggled to find proper processes for dealing with appeals against jury verdicts.In the 18th century a practice grew up… … Wikipedia
nisi — /naysay/ Unless. The word is often affixed, as a kind of elliptical expression, to the words rule, order, decree, judgment, or confirmation, to indicate that the adjudication spoken of is one which is to stand as valid and operative unless the… … Black's law dictionary
nisi — /naysay/ Unless. The word is often affixed, as a kind of elliptical expression, to the words rule, order, decree, judgment, or confirmation, to indicate that the adjudication spoken of is one which is to stand as valid and operative unless the… … Black's law dictionary
nisi rule — See rule nisi … Ballentine's law dictionary
rule absolute — One which commands the subject matter of the rule to be forthwith enforced. It is common, for example, when the party has failed to show sufficient cause against a rule nisi, to make the rule absolute, i.e., imperative and final … Black's law dictionary