
ˈruɪnəs прил.
1) разорительный;
гибельный, губительный, разрушительный ruinous consequences ≈ разрушительные последствия Syn : wasteful, devastating
2) развалившийся, разрушенный ruinous castle ≈ разрушенный замок губительный, разрушительный - * practice вредная практика - to prevent * consequences предотвратить губительные последствия - a step * to his prestige шаг, лишивший его престижа разорительный - * expenditure разорительные расходы разрушенный, развалившийся - the wall is in a * state стена грозит обвалом ruinous разорительный;
губительный, разрушительный ~ разрушенный, развалившийся

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ruinous" в других словарях:

  • ruinous — ru‧in‧ous [ˈruːnəs] adjective 1. causing great damage to something: • a ruinous civil war 2. FINANCE costing a lot more than you can afford: • the prospect of ruinous legal costs ruinously adverb …   Financial and business terms

  • Ruinous — Ru in*ous, a. [L. ruinosus: cf. F. ruineux. See {Ruin}.] 1. Causing, or tending to cause, ruin; destructive; baneful; pernicious; as, a ruinous project. [1913 Webster] After a night of storm so ruinous. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Characterized by… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ruinous — [ro͞o′ə nəs] adj. [ME ruinouse < L ruinosus] 1. falling or fallen into ruin; dilapidated; decayed 2. bringing or tending to bring ruin; very destructive or harmful; disastrous [ruinous floods] ruinously adv. ruinousness n …   English World dictionary

  • ruinous — index adverse (negative), bad (offensive), deadly, deleterious, diabolic, dire, disastrous …   Law dictionary

  • ruinous — late 14c., from Fr. ruineux or directly from L. ruinosus, from ruina (see RUIN (Cf. ruin)). Related: Ruinously …   Etymology dictionary

  • ruinous — [adj] disastrous, devastating annihilative, baleful, baneful, calamitous, cataclysmic, catastrophic, crippling, damaging, deadly, deleterious, depleting, dire, draining, exhausting, extravagant, fatal, fateful, harmful, hurtful, immoderate,… …   New thesaurus

  • ruinous — ► ADJECTIVE 1) disastrous or destructive. 2) in ruins; dilapidated. DERIVATIVES ruinously adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • ruinous — ru|in|ous [ˈru:ınəs] adj 1.) causing a lot of damage or problems ▪ a ruinous civil war 2.) costing much more than you can afford ▪ ruinous rates of interest 3.) formal a building that is ruinous has been almost completely destroyed = ↑ruined ▪ an …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • ruinous — [[t]ru͟ːɪnəs[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n If you describe the cost of something as ruinous, you mean that it costs far more money than you can afford or than is reasonable. Many Britons will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal… …   English dictionary

  • ruinous — ruinously, adv. ruinousness, n. /rooh euh neuhs/, adj. 1. bringing or tending to bring ruin; destructive; disastrous: a ruinous war. 2. fallen into ruin; dilapidated: a ruinous house. 3. consisting of ruins: a ruinous city from antiquity. [1350… …   Universalium

  • ruinous — ru|in|ous [ ruınəs ] adjective 1. ) causing severe damage or loss: The repair costs were potentially ruinous. 2. ) FORMAL severely damaged: a ruinous castle ╾ ru|in|ous|ly adverb …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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