Смотреть что такое "rudite" в других словарях:
Rudite — is any sedimentary clastic rock with a grain size exceeding 2 mm (0.08 in) [ [ Definition of rudite ] Accessed on January 1, 2008] such as conglomerates and breccias.The term is… … Wikipedia
rudite — ● rudite nom féminin (de rude) Classe la plus grossière des roches sédimentaires détritiques, dont les éléments ont une taille moyenne supérieure à 2 mm et qui regroupe les galets, les graviers, les blocs … Encyclopédie Universelle
Rudite — Une rudite est une roche sédimentaire détritique dont les éléments sont d un diamètre supérieur à 2 mm. Le terme est utilisé souvent à la classification des calcaires détritiques, équivalent aux termes conglomérat calcaire ou brèche calcaire … Wikipédia en Français
rudite — /ˈrudaɪt/ (say roohduyt) noun any rudaceous rock …
rudite — … Useful english dictionary
Pērkonkrusts — (Thunder Cross in Latvian), was a Latvian political party founded in the 1930s. This group adapted fascist ideology to the situation in independent Latvia after 1918. It was the largest and longest lived organisation of its kind in Latvia. The… … Wikipedia
Psephite — (Greek: Psephos , pebble) is a sedimentary clastic rock with a grain size exceeding 2 mm (0.08 in), such as a conglomerate. It is equivalent to the Latin derived term Rudite, though psephite is more commonly used for a metamorphosed rudite.… … Wikipedia
rudiţă — RUDÍŢĂ, rudiţe, s.f. (reg.) Hulubă. – Rudă2 + suf. iţă. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 rudíţă s. f., g. d. art. rudíţei; pl. rudíţe Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … Dicționar Român
Chinmayananda — H.H. Swami Chinmayananda [[File: Beloved Swamiji |225px|alt=]] Born 8 May 1916(1916 05 … Wikipedia
Jānis Daliņš — (November 5, 1904 – June 11, 1978) was a Latvian athlete who competed in race walking. Jānis Daliņš was the first Latvian to win a silver medal in Olympic games, in 50km walk in 1932 Summer Olympics. He also won European Championships in the same … Wikipedia
Arvīds Brēdermanis — (10 October 1900 – 22 February 1970) was an official of the foreign service of Latvia between the World Wars, and was also a founder of the Latvian Scouting movement. Contents 1 Early years 2 Pioneering role in Latvian Scouting 3 Foreign service… … Wikipedia