- rudimentary knowledge
- поверхностные знания Syn : slight knowledge, superficial knowledge
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
rudimentary — ru|di|men|ta|ry [ˌru:dıˈmentəri] adj 1.) a rudimentary knowledge or understanding of a subject is very simple and basic ≠ ↑sophisticated ▪ Gradually, I acquired a rudimentary knowledge of music. ▪ my rudimentary German 2.) rudimentary equipment,… … Dictionary of contemporary English
rudimentary — [[t]ru͟ːdɪme̱ntri[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED Rudimentary things are very basic or simple and are therefore unsatisfactory. [FORMAL] The earth surface of the courtyard extended into a kind of rudimentary kitchen... They are deprived of the ability to… … English dictionary
rudimentary — adjective 1 a rudimentary knowledge or understanding of a subject is very simple and basic: a rudimentary knowledge of Japanese 2 rudimentary equipment, methods, systems etc are very basic and not advanced: The classroom equipment is pretty… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
rudimentary — rudimentarily /rooh deuh men tair euh lee, men teuhr euh lee/, adv. rudimentariness, n. /rooh deuh men teuh ree, tree/, adj. 1. pertaining to rudiments or first principles; elementary: a rudimentary knowledge of geometry. 2. of the nature of a… … Universalium
rudimentary — [ˌruːdɪˈment(ə)ri] adj basic rudimentary knowledge[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
knowledge — n. 1) to acquire, accumulate, gain knowledge 2) to demonstrate, display, show; flaunt, parade one s knowledge (of a subject) 3) to communicate, disseminate; impart knowledge 4) to absorb, assimilate, soak up knowledge 5) (esp. BE) to bring smt.… … Combinatory dictionary
knowledge — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ new ▪ basic ▪ considerable, great, vast ▪ complete, comprehensive, sound … Collocations dictionary
rudimentary — adj. Rudimentary is used with these nouns: ↑knowledge, ↑understanding … Collocations dictionary
el|e|men|ta|ry — «EHL uh MEHN tuhr ee, tree», adjective. 1. dealing with the simple, necessary parts to be learned first; having to do with first principles; introductory: »a course in elementary botany. 2. made up of only one chemical element; not a compound:… … Useful english dictionary
Cheder — in Jaffa, 1890s Cheder in … Wikipedia
Ranks in the Boy Scouts of America — The advancement program for Boy Scouts and Varsity Scouts is symbolized by the earning of seven badges, six of which are considered ranks.The advancement program is often considered to be divided into two phases. The first phase from joining to… … Wikipedia