Смотреть что такое "ruddock" в других словарях:
Ruddock — is an archaic name for the European Robin.Ruddock as a surname:* Albert Billings Ruddock, namesake of Caltech s Ruddock House * Donovan Razor Ruddock, the professional boxer * Joan Ruddock, the Welsh politician * Margot Ruddock, the actress and… … Wikipedia
Ruddock — Rud dock, n. [AS. ruddic; cf. W. rhuddog the redbreast. [root]113. See {Rud}, n.] [Written also {raddock}.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) The European robin. The tame ruddock and the coward kite. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2. A piece of gold money; probably because … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ruddock — ist der Familienname von: Donovan Ruddock (* 1963), kanadischer Schwergewichtsboxer jamaikanischer Herkunft Joan Mary Ruddock (* 1943), walisische Politikerin (Labour Party) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Untersch … Deutsch Wikipedia
ruddock — [rud′ək] n. 〚ME ruddok < OE rudduc < rudu, red (see RUDD) + uc, OCK〛 [Brit. Dial.] ROBIN (sense 2) * * * rud·dock (rŭdʹək) n. Chiefly British An Old World r … Universalium
ruddock — [rud′ək] n. [ME ruddok < OE rudduc < rudu, red (see RUDD) + uc, OCK] [Brit. Dial.] ROBIN (sense 2) … English World dictionary
Ruddock — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (réelles ou fictives) partageant un même patronyme. Ruddock est un patronyme porté notamment par : Donovan Ruddock (né en 1963), boxeur canadien ; Mike Ruddock (né en 1959), joueur… … Wikipédia en Français
Ruddock — This early surname recorded in the spellings of Ruddock, Ruddick, Roddick and Rudduck is of Olde English pre 7th century origins. It derives from ruddoc , and the later medieval English ruddock , and translates literally as Robin (redbreast) .… … Surnames reference
ruddock — Robin Rob in, n. [Properly a pet name for Robert, originally meaning, famebright; F., fron OHG. Roudperht; ruod (in comp.; akin to AS. hr?? glory, fame, Goth. hr?peigs victorius) + beraht bright. See {Bright}, {Hob} a clown.] (Zo[ o]l.) (a) A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ruddock v Vadarlis — Infobox Court Case name=Ruddock v Vadarlis court=Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia date decided=18 September 2001 full name=Ruddock Ors v Vadarlis Ors citations= [ ct/2001/1329.html 2001… … Wikipedia
ruddock — noun Etymology: Middle English ruddok, from Old English rudduc; akin to Old English rudu Date: before 12th century archaic robin 1a … New Collegiate Dictionary
ruddock — n.; (also ruddoc) Robin redbreast … New dictionary of synonyms