
1) а) выделенный, отмеченный красным (красными буквами) б) написанный, напечатанный красным ∙ a rubricated initial letter ≈ выделенная красным цветом заглавная буква
2) снабженный заголовком, озаглавленный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rubricated" в других словарях:

  • rubricated — /rooh bri kay tid/, adj. (in ancient manuscripts, early printed books, etc.) having titles, catchwords, etc., distinctively colored. [1595 1605; RUBRICATE + ED2] * * * …   Universalium

  • rubricated — ru·bri·cate || ruːbrɪkeɪt v. supply with rubrics; arrange as a rubric; make rules or guidelines for something …   English contemporary dictionary

  • rubricated — /ˈrubrəkeɪtəd/ (say roohbruhkaytuhd) adjective (in ancient manuscripts, early printed books, etc.) having titles, catchwords, etc., distinctively coloured …  

  • rubricated — /rooh bri kay tid/, adj. (in ancient manuscripts, early printed books, etc.) having titles, catchwords, etc., distinctively colored. [1595 1605; RUBRICATE + ED2] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Rubricated book — Книга с выделенной красным цветом рубрикацией (напр. инициалами, заголовками) …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Rubricate — Ru bri*cate, v. t. To mark or distinguished with red; to arrange as in a rubric; to establish in a settled and unchangeable form. Foxe. [1913 Webster] A system . . . according to which the thoughts of men were to be classed and rubricated forever …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln — This article is about the boy known as Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln, who was the subject of a Medieval blood libel in 1255. For information about the adult saint, see Hugh of Lincoln . Hugh of Lincoln (1247 August, 1255) was an English boy, whose …   Wikipedia

  • Gutenberg Bible — of the New York Public Library, bought by James Lenox in 1847. The first to come to the USA, national folklore has it that the officers at the New York Customs House removed their hats on seeing it. The Gutenberg Bible (also known as the 42 line… …   Wikipedia

  • St. Erkenwald (poem) — St. Erkenwald is an alliterative poem of the fourteenth century, thought to have been composed in 1386. It has sometimes been attributed to the Pearl poet (or Gawain poet). It takes as its subject the bishop of London between 675 and 693.It… …   Wikipedia

  • Rubric — This article is about rubrics in text and as instructions. For other uses, see Rubric (disambiguation). Dominican Missal, c. 1240, with rubrics in red (Historical Museum of Lausanne) …   Wikipedia

  • Publilius Optatianus Porfirius — was a Latin poet, possibly a native of Africa.He flourished during the 4th century. Porfirius has been identified with Publilius Optatianus, who was praefectus urbi (in 329 and 333), and is by some authorities included amongst the Christian poets …   Wikipedia

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