rubber sheet
Смотреть что такое "rubber sheet" в других словарях:
rubber sheet — noun : a sheet of rubber or a cloth coated with rubber for use especially on a hospital bed or a child s crib … Useful english dictionary
Rubber — Rub ber, n. 1. One who, or that which, rubs. Specifically: (a) An instrument or thing used in rubbing, polishing, or cleaning. (b) A coarse file, or the rough part of a file. (c) A whetstone; a rubstone. (d) An eraser, usually made of caoutchouc… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rubber cloth — Rubber Rub ber, n. 1. One who, or that which, rubs. Specifically: (a) An instrument or thing used in rubbing, polishing, or cleaning. (b) A coarse file, or the rough part of a file. (c) A whetstone; a rubstone. (d) An eraser, usually made of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rubber dam — Rubber Rub ber, n. 1. One who, or that which, rubs. Specifically: (a) An instrument or thing used in rubbing, polishing, or cleaning. (b) A coarse file, or the rough part of a file. (c) A whetstone; a rubstone. (d) An eraser, usually made of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rubber dam — n a thin sheet of rubber that is stretched around a tooth to keep it dry during dental work or is used in strips to provide drainage in surgical wounds * * * (in dentistry) a sheet of rubber used to isolate one or more teeth during treatment … Medical dictionary
Rubber tapping — is the process by which rubber is gathered. An incision is made in the bark of a rubber tree, which cuts through the latex vessels that flow between the bark and the cambium. The latex then drips into a vessel. This industry is prevalent in areas … Wikipedia
Rubber stamp — [ pterosaur.] Rubber stamping, also called stamping, is a craft in which some type of ink made of dye or pigment is applied to an image or pattern that has been carved, molded, laser engraved or vulcanized, onto a sheet of rubber. The rubber is… … Wikipedia
sheet — noun 1 large piece of fabric used on a bed ADJECTIVE ▪ clean, crisp, fresh ▪ a pile of clean sheets ▪ crumpled, rumpled (esp. AmE) ▪ … Collocations dictionary
rubber — noun Rubber is used before these nouns: ↑ball, ↑boat, ↑boot, ↑bullet, ↑dinghy, ↑duck, ↑glove, ↑mat, ↑mould, ↑pad, ↑plantation, ↑raft, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
rubber dam — (in dentistry) a sheet of rubber used to isolate one or more teeth during treatment … The new mediacal dictionary
rubber dam — noun : a thin sheet of rubber that is stretched around a tooth to keep it dry during dental work or is used in strips to provide drainage in surgical wounds … Useful english dictionary