rub off

rub off

1) стирать(ся) ;
выводить (пятно) If you don't prepare the surface properly, the paint will rub off. ≈ Если соответствующим образом не подготовить поверхность, краска будет отваливаться. These new boots are so stiff that they rub the skin off my ankles. ≈ Новые ботинки такие жесткие, что трут.
2) отразиться, сказаться (on, onto - на чем-л.) I hope that some fine qualities of Mary's character will rub off onto you. ≈ Надеюсь, некоторые достоинства Мери перейдут и к тебе. стирать, счищать - to rub the rust off счищать ржавчину стираться - colour that easily rubs off легко счищающаяся краска (on) отразиться, сказаться на ком-л. - her illness will * on him ее болезнь скажется на нем - don't touch dirt, some will * не трогай грязь, замараешься - his outgoingness may * onto the shyerpeople своей общительностью он, возможно, заразит более застенчивых людей

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rub off" в других словарях:

  • rub off on — rub off (on (someone)) to be learned or obtained without any effort. I like to think that my love of reading will rub off on my children. Usage notes: usually used of a skill, an interest, or a quality …   New idioms dictionary

  • rub off — (on (someone)) to be learned or obtained without any effort. I like to think that my love of reading will rub off on my children. Usage notes: usually used of a skill, an interest, or a quality …   New idioms dictionary

  • rub off — ► rub off be transferred by contact or association. Main Entry: ↑rub …   English terms dictionary

  • rub off — index deface, obliterate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • rub off — v. 1) (D; intr.) to rub off on, onto (the paint rubbed off on my shirt) 2) (colloq.) (D; intr.) to rub off on, onto ( to affect ) (we hoped that some of these cultural activities would rub off on our children) * * * [ rʌb ɒf] onto (the paint rub… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • rub off — phrasal verb [intransitive] Word forms rub off : present tense I/you/we/they rub off he/she/it rubs off present participle rubbing off past tense rubbed off past participle rubbed off if a quality that someone has rubs off, it starts to affect… …   English dictionary

  • rub off — {v.} 1. To remove or be removed by rubbing; erase. * /The teacher rubs the problem off the chalkboard./ * /After Ann shook hands with the president, she would not shake hands with anyone else because she thought that the good luck would rub off./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • rub off — {v.} 1. To remove or be removed by rubbing; erase. * /The teacher rubs the problem off the chalkboard./ * /After Ann shook hands with the president, she would not shake hands with anyone else because she thought that the good luck would rub off./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • rub\ off — v 1. To remove or be removed by rubbing; erase. The teacher rubs the problem off the chalkboard. After Ann shook hands with the president, she would not shake hands with anyone else because she thought that the good luck would rub off. 2. To… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • rub off — PHRASAL VERB If someone s qualities or habits rub off on you, you develop some of their qualities or habits after spending time with them. [V P on n] He was a tremendously enthusiastic teacher and that rubbed off on all the children... [V P] I… …   English dictionary

  • rub off on — BE TRANSFERRED TO, be passed on to, be transmitted to, be communicated to; affect, influence. → rub * * * rub off on ( ● rub …   Useful english dictionary

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