rub into

rub into
вдалбливать (кому-л.) Parents often try to rub into their children how much they owe to them. ≈ Родители часто хотят внушить своим детям, что они в неоплатном долгу перед ними.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rub into" в других словарях:

  • rub into — phr verb Rub into is used with these nouns as the object: ↑flour …   Collocations dictionary

  • rub — v. 1) (D; intr., tr.) to rub against (one part was rubbing against the other; rub your hand against this surface) 2) (d; tr.) to rub into (to rub lotion into one s skin) 3) (N; used with an adjective) rub it dry * * * [rʌb] (N; used with an… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • rub salt in/into someone's wounds — (or rub salt in/into the wound) informal : to make a difficult situation even worse for someone It s bad enough that he beat me, but the way he keeps talking about it is just rubbing salt in the wound. • • • Main Entry: ↑rub rub salt in/into… …   Useful english dictionary

  • rub — ► VERB (rubbed, rubbing) 1) apply firm pressure to (a surface) with a repeated back and forth motion. 2) move to and fro against a surface while pressing or grinding against it. 3) apply with a rubbing action. 4) (rub down) dry, smooth, or clean… …   English terms dictionary

  • rub — [rub] vt. rubbed, rubbing [ME rubben, akin to Dan rubbe, EFris rubben < IE * reup , to tear out < base * reu , to dig, tear out > ROB, RIP1, RUG, RUBBLE, L rumpere, to break] 1. to move one s hand, a cloth, etc. over (a surface …   English World dictionary

  • rub salt into the wound — informal phrase to make a bad situation even worse for someone Thesaurus: to make something worsesynonym Main entry: rub * * * rub salt into the (or someone s) wound make a painful experience even more painful for someone …   Useful english dictionary

  • rub — /rub/, v., rubbed, rubbing, n. v.t. 1. to subject the surface of (a thing or person) to pressure and friction, as in cleaning, smoothing, polishing, coating, massaging, or soothing: to rub a table top with wax polish; to rub the entire back area …   Universalium

  • RUB A535 — (also known as Antiphlogistine) is a topical analgesic introduced in 1919 and manufactured by Church and Dwight in Canada. While relatively unknown outside of Canada (it isn t sold in the US), it is indeed a very popular product for the treatment …   Wikipedia

  • rub salt into somebody's wounds — rub ˈsalt into the wound | rub ˈsalt into sb s wounds idiom to make a difficult experience even more difficult for sb Main entry: ↑rubidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • rub salt into someone's wounds — rub salt into (someone s) wounds to make someone feel even worse about something. It s too bad Charlie couldn t come, but let s not tell him they let us in for free there s no point rubbing salt into his wounds …   New idioms dictionary

  • rub salt into wounds — rub salt into (someone s) wounds to make someone feel even worse about something. It s too bad Charlie couldn t come, but let s not tell him they let us in for free there s no point rubbing salt into his wounds …   New idioms dictionary

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