royal assent
Смотреть что такое "royal assent" в других словарях:
Royal assent — Assent As*sent , n. [OE. assent, fr. assentir. See {Assent}, v.] The act of assenting; the act of the mind in admitting or agreeing to anything; concurrence with approval; consent; agreement; acquiescence. [1913 Webster] Faith is the assent to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
royal assent — the agreement of the monarch to a bill becoming an Act of Parliament. It is a convention (conventions) that the monarch shall so assent. For public bills, the Clerk of the Parliaments communicates the assent by the words La reine le veult,… … Law dictionary
Royal Assent — The granting of Royal Assent is the formal method by which a constitutional monarch completes the legislative process of lawmaking by formally assenting to an Act of Parliament. While the power to withhold Royal Assent was once exercised often,… … Wikipedia
royal assent — noun : the official but purely formal approval of the sovereign required for the passage of all legislation under English parliamentary law * * * royal assent The sovereign s formal acquiescence in a measure which has passed the Houses of… … Useful english dictionary
royal assent — The granting of royal assent is the formal method by which a constitutional monarch completes the legislative process of law making by formally assenting to an Act of Parliament. While the power to withhold royal assent was once exercised… … Glossary of UK Government and Politics
Royal Assent (Ireland) — The granting, reserving or withholding of the Royal Assent was one of the key roles, and potentially one of the key powers, possessed by the Governor General of the Irish Free State. Until it was granted, no bill passed by the Oireachtas… … Wikipedia
royal assent — noun assent of the sovereign to a bill which has been passed by Parliament, and which thus becomes an Act of Parliament … English new terms dictionary
royal assent — roy′al assent′ n. can. (in Great Britain and other Commonwealth countries) the official consent of the sovereign or a representative to a bill passed by Parliament … From formal English to slang
royal assent — n [sing] the final stage that a British Act of Parliament must go through to become law, when it is signed by the king or queen. * * * … Universalium
royal assent — authorization of the King … English contemporary dictionary
royal assent — noun (U) the signing of a law by the British king or queen after it has been decided by Parliament, so that it officially becomes law … Longman dictionary of contemporary English