routing track
Смотреть что такое "routing track" в других словарях:
Track — or Tracks may refer to:In nature: * Animal tracks, imprints left on surfaces that an animal walk across * Trackway, an ancient route of travel or track used by animalsIn sport: * Track cycling, a bicycle racing sport usually held on specially… … Wikipedia
Track lighting — is a method of lighting where light fixtures are attached anywhere on a continuous track device which contains electrical conductors. This is as opposed to the routing of electrical wiring to individual light positions. Tracks can be mounted to… … Wikipedia
Routing table — In computer networking a routing table, or Routing Information Base (RIB), is a data table stored in a router or a networked computer that lists the routes to particular network destinations, and in some cases, metrics (distances) associated with … Wikipedia
routing table — A table stored in a router; used to keep track of routes to specific network destinations. See also routing protocol … Dictionary of networking
routing — n. act of planning a route, act of selecting a path from one place to another raÊŠt n. populace, rabble, mob; commotion, public disturbance; overwhelming defeat v. defeat overwhelmingly, conquer; force out, drive away raÊŠt /ruËt n. track, path; … English contemporary dictionary
Onion routing — is a technique for anonymous communication over a computer network. Messages are repeatedly encrypted and then sent through several network nodes called onion routers. Like someone unpeeling an onion, each onion router removes a layer of… … Wikipedia
Send track — Send tracks or Sends are the software audio routing equivalent to the aux sends found on multitrack sound mixing/sequencing consoles.BackgroundSoftware packages such as Reason, Renoise and Ableton Live are based around the concept of multitracked … Wikipedia
Cisco Career Certifications — are IT Professional certifications for Cisco Systems products. The tests are administered by Pearson VUE. There are five levels of certification: Entry, Associate, Professional, Expert, and Architect, as well as seven different paths, Routing… … Wikipedia
Vermonter — A Vermonter can also mean a resident of Vermont. Vermonter Vermonter at the Brattleboro, Vermon … Wikipedia
OpenStreetMap — of Cambridge, England URL … Wikipedia
Flight plan — Flight plans are documents filed by pilots or a Flight Dispatcher with the local Civil Aviation Authority (e.g. FAA in the USA) prior to departure. They generally include basic information such as departure and arrival points, estimated time en… … Wikipedia