Roundsman — Rounds man, n.; pl. {Roundsmen}. A patrolman; also, a policeman who acts as an inspector over the rounds of the patrolmen. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
roundsman — [roundz′mən] n. pl. roundsmen [roundz′mən] a person who makes rounds, esp. of inspection … English World dictionary
roundsman — /ˈraʊndzmən / (say rowndzmuhn) noun (plural roundsmen) 1. a man who makes rounds, calling on customers to make deliveries, as of milk, bread, etc., or to take orders. 2. US a man who makes rounds of inspection, as, formerly, a policeman who… …
roundsman — /rowndz meuhn/, n., pl. roundsmen. 1. a person who makes rounds, as of inspection. 2. Brit. a person who makes deliveries, as of milk or bread. 3. Australian. a journalist covering a specific area of interest: a political roundsman. 4. a police… … Universalium
roundsman — n. (pl. men) 1 Brit. a tradesman s employee going round delivering and taking orders. 2 US a police officer in charge of a patrol. 3 Austral. a journalist covering a specified subject (political roundsman) … Useful english dictionary
Roundsman System — The Roundsman System [ [ poor law ] ] (sometimes termed the billet, or ticket, or item system), in the English poor law, a plan by which the parish paid the occupiers of… … Wikipedia
roundsman — noun Date: 1795 1. one that makes rounds 2. a supervisory police officer of the grade of sergeant or just below … New Collegiate Dictionary
roundsman — noun A worker who makes rounds, especially in order to deliver goods … Wiktionary
roundsman — Synonyms and related words: Argus, Charley, G man, MP, airplane spotter, bailiff, beadle, beagle, bound bailiff, captain, catchpole, chief of police, commissioner, constable, deputy, deputy sheriff, detective, fed, federal, fire patrolman, fire… … Moby Thesaurus
roundsman — noun (plural roundsmen) 1》 Brit. a trader s employee who goes round delivering and taking orders. 2》 US a police officer in charge of a patrol. 3》 Austral. a journalist covering a specified subject … English new terms dictionary
roundsman — rounds·man … English syllables