roundabout jacket

roundabout jacket
(американизм) короткая куртка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "roundabout jacket" в других словарях:

  • roundabout jacket — noun see roundabout I, 5 …   Useful english dictionary

  • roundabout — [roun′də bout΄] adj. 1. not straight or straightforward; indirect; circuitous [roundabout answers] 2. encircling; enclosing; surrounding n. 1. something that is indirect or circuitous ☆ 2. a short, tight jacket or coat formerly worn by men and… …   English World dictionary

  • Roundabout — Round a*bout , n. 1. A large horizontal wheel or frame, commonly with wooden horses, etc., on which children ride; a merry go round; a carousel. [British] Smart. [1913 Webster +PJC] 2. A dance performed in a circle. Goldsmith. [1913 Webster] 3. A …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • roundabout — I. adjective Date: 1608 circuitous, indirect < had to take a roundabout route > • roundaboutness noun II. noun Date: 1755 1. a circuitous route ; detour …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • roundabout — adj. /rownd euh bowt , rownd euh bowt /; n. /rownd euh bowt /, adj. 1. circuitous or indirect, as a road, journey, method, statement or person. 2. (of clothing) cut circularly at the bottom; having no tails, train, or the like. n. 3. a short,… …   Universalium

  • roundabout — raÊŠndÉ™baÊŠt n. merry go round (British); indirect road or method, detour; rotary, traffic circle (British); close fitting jacket worn by men and boys during the 19th century adj. indirect, circuitous …   English contemporary dictionary

  • roundabout — I. a. 1. Indirect, tortuous, circuitous. 2. Ample, extensive, broad. 3. Encompassing, encircling. II. n. 1. Merry go round. 2. Round jacket, surtout. 3. Circuitous way, way round …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • roundabout — round•a•bout adj. [[t]ˌraʊnd əˈbaʊt, ˈraʊnd əˌbaʊt[/t]] n. [[t]ˈraʊnd əˌbaʊt[/t]] adj. 1) circuitous or indirect 2) a circuitous route 3) trs brit. Chiefly Brit. traffic circle 4) brit. a merry go round 5) clo a close fitting, waist length coat… …   From formal English to slang

  • The Magic Roundabout — This article is about the television series. For other uses, see Magic Roundabout (disambiguation). The Magic Roundabout Format Children s television series Created by Serge Danot Starring Eric Thompson (original narrator) …   Wikipedia

  • Army Service Uniform — The U.S. Army service uniform is the military uniform worn by personnel in situations in which non formal dress is called for. It is worn in most workday situations in which business dress would be called for. It can be worn at most public and… …   Wikipedia

  • round´a|bout´ness — round|a|bout «ROWND uh BOWT», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. not straight; indirect: »a roundabout route, in a roundabout way. SYNONYM(S): circuitous. 2. that surrounds or encircles. 3. cut round at the bottom: »a roundabout coat or jacket …   Useful english dictionary

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