round-trip gain

round-trip gain
усиление при двукратном проходе (напр. резонатора, активной среды)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "round-trip gain" в других словарях:

  • Round-trip gain — refers to the laser physics, and laser cavitys (or laser resonators).It is gain, integrated along a ray, which makes a round trip in the cavity.At the continuous wave operation, the round trip gain gain exactly compensate both, the output… …   Wikipedia

  • Round trip — has several uses including:*Round trip in travel means purchasing a ticket or traveling from one destination to another and then returning to the starting location. *Round tripping *Round trip delay time in communications *Round trip format… …   Wikipedia

  • Gain (lasers) — Gain (or amplification) in laser physics is a process, where the medium transfers part of its energy to the emitted electromagnetic radiation, resulting in an increase in laser power. This is basic principle of all lasers.Quantitatively, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Cumulative elevation gain — In running, cycling, and mountaineering, cumulative elevation gain refers to the sum of every gain in elevation throughout an entire trip. It is sometimes also known as cumulative gain or elevation gain, or often in the context of mountain travel …   Wikipedia

  • Bergedorf Round Table — Unbound by political and economic agendas, the Körber Foundation with its international relations department in Berlin is committed to helping foster a better understanding of international politics. In confidential conferences and background… …   Wikipedia

  • Disk laser — Not to be confused with Laserdisc. Fig.1. An optically pumped disk laser (active mirror). A disk laser or active mirror (Fig.1.) is a type of solid state laser characterized by a heat sink and laser output that are realized on opposite sides of a …   Wikipedia

  • Coupling parameter — The coupling parameter of the resonator, specifies the part of the energy of the laser field, which is output at each round trip. The coupling parameter should not be confused with the round trip loss, which refers to the part of the energy of… …   Wikipedia

  • Amplified spontaneous emission — (ASE) or superluminescence is light, produced by spontaneous emission, that has been optically amplified by the process of stimulated emission in a gain medium.Origins and problemsASE is produced when a laser gain medium is pumped to produce a… …   Wikipedia

  • Equalization — Unreferenced|date=July 2007Equalization (or equalisation, EQ) is the process of changing the frequency envelope of a sound in audio processing. In passing through any channel, an audio signal will spread from its original qualities. The goal of… …   Wikipedia

  • усиление при двукратном прохождении — — [Л.Г.Суменко. Англо русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.] Тематики информационные технологии в целом EN round trip gain …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • football — /foot bawl /, n. 1. a game in which two opposing teams of 11 players each defend goals at opposite ends of a field having goal posts at each end, with points being scored chiefly by carrying the ball across the opponent s goal line and by place… …   Universalium

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