round off

round off

1) округлять(ся) , закруглять(ся) Round off the edges of the table. ≈ Закругли углы стола.
2) заканчивать, завершать to round off the evening with a danceзакончить вечер танцами Let us have a drink to round the evening off. ≈ Давай напоследок выпьем. закруглять - to * rough corners сгладить острые углы - take a piece of sandpaper and * the edges of the frame возьми наждачную бумагу и зачисти края рамки округлять - 113572 rounded off to three decimals becomes 11357 округлив 113572, получаем 11357 (часто with) заканчивать, завершать - to * negotiations завершить переговоры - to * the day's outing with a visit to the theatre завершить развлекательную прогулку посещением театра - the somewhat abstract description is rounded off with a number of examples это несколько абстрактное определение подкрепляется в заключение рядом примеров - to * the argument with the repetition of the main idea подвести итог спору, повторив основную мысль

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "round off" в других словарях:

  • round off — [v] finish bring to a close, cap, climax, close, complete, conclude, crown, culminate, finish off, settle, top off; concept 234 Ant. start …   New thesaurus

  • round off — ► round off 1) smooth the edges of. 2) complete in a satisfying or suitable way. Main Entry: ↑round …   English terms dictionary

  • round off — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms round off : present tense I/you/we/they round off he/she/it rounds off present participle rounding off past tense rounded off past participle rounded off 1) to end something in a satisfactory way round… …   English dictionary

  • round off — {v.} 1. To make round or curved. * /John decided to round off the corners of the table he was making so that no one would be hurt by bumping them./ 2. To change to the nearest whole number. * /The teacher said to round off the averages./ 3. To… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • round off — {v.} 1. To make round or curved. * /John decided to round off the corners of the table he was making so that no one would be hurt by bumping them./ 2. To change to the nearest whole number. * /The teacher said to round off the averages./ 3. To… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • round\ off — v 1. To make round or curved. John decided to round off the corners of the table he was making so that no one would be hurt by bumping them. 2. To change to the nearest whole number. The teacher said to round off the averages. 3. To end in a… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • round off — verb 1. make round (Freq. 1) round the edges • Syn: ↑round, ↑round out • Derivationally related forms: ↑rounder (for: ↑round) …   Useful english dictionary

  • round off — PHRASAL VERB If you round off an activity with something, you end the activity by doing something that provides a clear or satisfactory conclusion to it. [V P n (not pron)] The Italian way is to round off a meal or evening with an ice cream. [V P …   English dictionary

  • round off — verb a) To change the shape of an object to make it more circular. b) To change a number into an approximation having fewer significant digits. See Also: round off error, round to, round down, round out, round up …   Wiktionary

  • round-off — /rownd awf , of /, Math. adj. 1. of or pertaining to the act or process of rounding. n. 2. an act or instance of rounding off decimal or fractional figures. [1945 50; n. use of v. phrase round off] * * * …   Universalium

  • round-off — /rownd awf , of /, Math. adj. 1. of or pertaining to the act or process of rounding. n. 2. an act or instance of rounding off decimal or fractional figures. [1945 50; n. use of v. phrase round off] …   Useful english dictionary

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