Смотреть что такое "rotunda" в других словарях:
Rotunda — may refer to: *Rotunda (architecture), any building with a circular ground plan, often covered by a dome *Rotunda (script), a specific medieval blackletter script *Pentagonal rotunda, a polyhedral solid formed from half an icosidodecahedronPlaces … Wikipedia
Rotunda — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La letra gótica rotunda es un tipo de letra que pertenece al grupo de estilos caligráficos surgidos en el periodo gótico durante los siglos XIII XIV, en oposición a la escritura antigua (antiqua) que hacía referencia … Wikipedia Español
Rotunda — Ro*tun da, n. [Cf. It. rotonda, F. rotonde; both fr. L. rotundus round. See {Rotund}, a.] (Arch.) A round building; especially, one that is round both on the outside and inside, like the Pantheon at Rome. Less properly, but very commonly, used… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rotunda — see FENESTRA ROTUNDA … Medical dictionary
rotunda — round building, 1680s, from It. rotonda, especially the Pantheon, from L. rotunda, fem. of rotundus round (see ROTUND (Cf. rotund)). Meaning circular hall or room within a building is from 1780 … Etymology dictionary
rotunda — [rō tun′də] n. [It rotonda < L rotunda, fem. of rotundus: see ROTUND] a round building, hall, or room, esp. one with a dome … English World dictionary
Rotunda — (31. Aug.), Klosterfrau zu Bobbio, steht bei den Boll. unter den Uebergangenen … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Rotunda — Rotunda, eigentlich ein jedes Gebäude von runder Form, dann besonders das Pantheon zu Rom (s. d.), oder ein solches im Kleinen als Lusthaus, Sternwarte, Gartentempel etc … Damen Conversations Lexikon
rotunda — s. f. 1. Construção circular que termina em cúpula arredondada. 2. Praça ou largo, de forma circular, onde desembocam várias ruas e o trânsito se processa em sentido giratório … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
rotunda — rotùnda ž DEFINICIJA 1. varijanta pisma gotičke minuskule (13. i 14. st.) 2. v. rotonda ETIMOLOGIJA lat. rotundus: okrugao … Hrvatski jezični portal
rotunda — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. ż Ia, CMc. rotundaudzie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} konstrukcja architektoniczna na planie koła; także: duża, okrągła sala : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Rotundy romańskie. {{/stl 10}}{{stl… … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień