rotten egg
Смотреть что такое "rotten egg" в других словарях:
rotten egg — {n.}, {informal} A person whose character or way of acting is not good. * /His friends have all learned he is a rotten egg./ Often used by children in fun, as of someone who is slow in doing something. * /The boys ran to the river to go swimming… … Dictionary of American idioms
rotten egg — {n.}, {informal} A person whose character or way of acting is not good. * /His friends have all learned he is a rotten egg./ Often used by children in fun, as of someone who is slow in doing something. * /The boys ran to the river to go swimming… … Dictionary of American idioms
rotten\ egg — noun informal A person whose character or way of acting is not good. His friends have all learned he is a rotten egg. Often used by children in fun, as of someone who is slow in doing something. The boys ran to the river to go swimming and Dick… … Словарь американских идиом
rotten egg — n. a bad or despised person; a stinker. □ That guy is a real rotten egg. □ She sure has turned out to be a rotten egg … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
rotten-egg — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ transitive verb Etymology: from the phrase rotten egg : to throw rotten eggs at … Useful english dictionary
rotten egg — egg which has spoiled … English contemporary dictionary
Rotten egg gas — gas hydrogen sulphide … Dictionary of Australian slang
rotten egg gas — Australian Slang gas hydrogen sulphide … English dialects glossary
rotten egg gas — noun Chemistry Colloquial → hydrogen sulphide …
rotten-egg smell — In cars equipped with catalytic converters, this smell is the result of an excessively rich air/fuel mixture … Dictionary of automotive terms
egg — I n. 1) to hatch; incubate; lay eggs 2) to beat (AE), whisk (BE); boil; fry; poach an egg 3) to candle eggs 4) an addled, bad, rotten egg; boiled; devilled; fried; hard boiled; poached; raw; Scotch (BE); scrambled; soft boiled eggs 5) (misc.) a… … Combinatory dictionary