

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rotary-blade" в других словарях:

  • rotary blade compressor — Mechanism for pumping fluid by revolving blades inside cylindrical housing …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • blade — n. 1) a blunt, dull; sharp blade 2) a rotary blade 3) a razor blade * * * [bleɪd] dull sharp blade a blunt a razor blade a rotary blade …   Combinatory dictionary

  • blade — [blād] n. [ME blad < OE blæd, a leaf < IE * bhlē , var. of base * bhel , to swell, sprout: see BLOOM1] 1. a) the leaf of a plant, esp. of grass b) the flat, expanded part of a leaf; lamina 2. a) …   English World dictionary

  • Rotary snowplow — A rotary snowplow is a piece of railroad snowfighting equipment. It is characterized by the large circular set of blades on its front end that rotate as a unit to cut through the snow on the track ahead of it. In this way, a rotary snowplow is… …   Wikipedia

  • Blade — For other uses, see Blade (disambiguation). Knife blades A blade is that portion of a tool, weapon, or machine with a cutting edge and/or a pointed tip that is designed to cut and/or puncture, stab, slash, chop, slice, thrust, or scrape animate… …   Wikipedia

  • Rotary woofer — The Rotary Woofer is a subwoofer style loudspeaker which reproduces very low frequency content by using a conventional speaker voice coil s motion to change the pitch of a set of fan blades rotating at a constant speed. The pitch of the fan… …   Wikipedia

  • Rotary tiller — A rotary tiller, also known as a rototiller, rotavator, rotary hoe, power tiller, or rotary plough (in US: plow), is a motorised cultivator that works the soil by means of rotating tines or blades. Rotary tillers are either self propelled or… …   Wikipedia

  • Blade (disambiguation) — A blade is a sharp cutting part, for instance of a weapon or tool.Blade may also refer to: * Bladed weapon, especially a sword * Razor blade, used for shaving * Blade (archaeology), a type of stone tool * Prismatic blade, a type of stone… …   Wikipedia

  • blade — bladeless, adj. /blayd/, n. 1. the flat cutting part of a sword, knife, etc. 2. a sword, rapier, or the like. 3. a similar part, as of a mechanism, used for clearing, wiping, scraping, etc.: the blade of a windshield wiper; the blade of a… …   Universalium

  • Rotary cutter — A rotary cutter is a tool generally used by quilters to cut fabric. It has a circular blade that can be found in different sizes. Usually, smaller blades are used to cut around corners and larger blades are used to cut to straight lines and are… …   Wikipedia

  • blade — [[t]bleɪd[/t]] n. 1) her the flat cutting part of an implement, as a knife 2) her sword 3) cvb a similar part, as of a mechanism, used for clearing, wiping, scraping, etc 4) aer. the arm of a propeller or other similar rotary mechanism, as an… …   From formal English to slang

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