Смотреть что такое "rosy-cheek" в других словарях:
cheek — cheek1 W3 [tʃi:k] n [: Old English; Origin: ceace] 1.) the soft round part of your face below each of your eyes ▪ Lucy stretched up to kiss his cheek. ▪ Billy had rosy cheeks and blue eyes. ▪ her tear stained cheeks ▪ Julie s cheeks flushed with… … Dictionary of contemporary English
cheek — n. side of the face 1) to puff (out) one s cheeks 2) burning, flushed; dimpled; full, rounded; hollow, sunken; pale; rosy, ruddy cheeks impudence (colloq.) 3) the cheek to + inf. (she had the cheek to phone me at home) * * * [tʃiːk] dimpled… … Combinatory dictionary
cheek — noun 1 part of the face ADJECTIVE ▪ flushed, hot, warm ▪ cool ▪ smooth, soft ▪ ashen … Collocations dictionary
cheek — 1 noun 1 (C) the soft round area of flesh on each side of your face below your eye: Would you let him kiss you on the cheek? | the smooth pink cheeks of a baby 2 (singular, uncountable) BrE disrespectful or rude behaviour, especially towards… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
cheek — I UK [tʃiːk] / US [tʃɪk] noun Word forms cheek : singular cheek plural cheeks ** 1) [countable] the soft part on each side of your face below your eyes Sarah kissed her on the cheek. pale/pink/rosy cheeks 2) [singular/uncountable] behaviour that… … English dictionary
cheek — cheek1 [ tʃik ] noun ** 1. ) count the soft part on each side of your face below your eyes: Sarah kissed her on the cheek. pale/pink/rosy cheeks 2. ) count INFORMAL one of the two soft parts of your body that you sit on: BUTTOCK 3. ) singular or… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
cheek — [[t]tʃi͟ːk[/t]] cheeks 1) N COUNT Your cheeks are the sides of your face below your eyes. Tears were running down her cheeks... She kissed him lightly on both cheeks. Derived words: cheeked COMB in ADJ ...rosy cheeked children. ...a fat, chubby… … English dictionary
rosy — adj. Rosy is used with these nouns: ↑cheek, ↑complexion, ↑future, ↑glow, ↑outlook, ↑picture, ↑pink, ↑scenario, ↑view … Collocations dictionary
cheek — Papālina, pāpālina. ♦ Rosy cheeks, papālina ula ula, nono, nononea. ♦ Plump cheeks, papālina uheke. ♦ Soft cheeks, papālina lahilahi. ♦ Long cheeks, papālina loloa. ♦ Cheek of the buttocks, hūkeu … English-Hawaiian dictionary
Rotwang — C. A. Rotwang is a fictional character in Fritz Lang s 1927 science fiction film Metropolis . Rotwang was played by Rudolf Klein Rogge.Character overviewHe is a brilliant inventor, whose greatest achievement is the creation of a robot made in the … Wikipedia
Portrait painting — See Portrait for more about the general topic of portraits. Portrait painting is a genre in painting, where the intent is to depict the visual appearance of the subject. Beside human beings, animals, pets and even inanimate objects can be chosen… … Wikipedia