Смотреть что такое "rosemary" в других словарях:
Rosemary — Rose ma*ry, n. [OE. rosmarine, L. rosmarinus; ros dew (cf. Russ. rosa, Lith. rasa, Skr. rasa juice) + marinus marine: cf. F. romarin. In English the word has been changed as if it meant the rose of Mary. See {Marine}.] A labiate shrub… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rosemary — Personnage de fiction Genre Féminin Activité(s) Conseill. psychologique Ex analyste à la NSA … Wikipédia en Français
Rosemary — [rōz΄mə rē′rōz′mer΄ē, rōz′mə rē] n. [see ROSEMARY] a feminine name: var. Rosemarie [rōz΄mə rē′] … English World dictionary
Rosemary — f English: a 19th century coinage, from the name of the herb (which is from Latin ros marīnus sea dew). It is often also assumed to be a combination of the names ROSE (SEE Rose) and MARY (SEE Mary). Cognate: German, Scandinavian: Rosemarie. Pet… … First names dictionary
rosemary — (n.) mid 15c., earlier rosmarine (c.1300), from L. rosmarinus, lit. dew of the sea (Cf. Fr. romarin), from ros dew + marinus (see MARINE (Cf. marine)). Perhaps so called because it grew near coasts. Form altered in English by influence of rose… … Etymology dictionary
rosemary — ► NOUN ▪ an evergreen aromatic shrub of southern Europe, the leaves of which are used as a herb in cooking. ORIGIN from Latin ros marinus, from ros dew + marinus of the sea … English terms dictionary
rosemary — [rōz′mer΄ē] n. [altered (after ROSE1 & MARY1) < earlier rosmarine < L ros marinus (also ros maris), lit., dew of the sea < ros, dew (< IE * rosā < * eres, to flow: see RACE1) + marinus,MARINE] an evergreen herb (Rosmarinus… … English World dictionary
Rosemary — For other uses, see Rosemary (disambiguation). Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary Rosemary in flower Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Rosemary — Rosemarie ist ein weiblicher Vorname. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Herkunft und Bedeutung des Namens 2 Namenstag 3 Bekannte Namensträgerinnen 4 Varianten // … Deutsch Wikipedia
rosemary — According to traditional lore, rosemary is a versatile little plant, and in general its uses are positive. Lines in A Nosegaie Alwaies Sweet, for Lovers to Send for Tokens of Love ... (c.1582), provide the famous definition of rosemary for… … A Dictionary of English folklore
rosemary — /rohz mair ee, meuh ree/, n., pl. rosemaries. an evergreen shrub, Rosmarinus officinalis, of the mint family, native to the Mediterranean region, having leathery, narrow leaves and pale blue, bell shaped flowers, used as a seasoning and in… … Universalium