rope wear
Смотреть что такое "rope wear" в других словарях:
Rope — This article is about non metallic ropes. For other uses, see Rope (disambiguation). Coils of rope used for long line fishing A rope is a length of fibres, twisted or braided together to improve strength for pulling and connecting. It has tensile … Wikipedia
Wire rope — consists of several strands laid (or twisted ) together like a helix. Each strand is likewise made of metal wires laid together like a helix. Initially wrought iron wires were used, but today steel is the main material used for wire ropes.History … Wikipedia
Elevator — For other uses, see Elevator (disambiguation). A set of lifts in the lower level of a London Underground station. The arrows indicate each elevator s position and direction of travel … Wikipedia
Top roping — Top rope climbing (or Top roping) is a style in climbing in which a rope, used for the climber s safety, runs from a belayer at the foot of a route through one or more carabiners connected to an anchor system at the top of the route and back down … Wikipedia
Impluvium — The impluvium of the Roman House in Spoleto, Italy … Wikipedia
износ каната — — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN rope weanrope wear … Справочник технического переводчика
Climbing equipment — A wide range of equipment is used during rock climbing. The most popular types of climbing equipment are briefly described in this article. The article on protecting a climb describes equipment commonly used to protect a climber against the… … Wikipedia
Rock-climbing equipment — Rock climbing History Styles Technique Equipment and protection Grades (difficulty of climb) Terminology Belaying Abseiling … Wikipedia
Sea Scouting (Boy Scouts of America) — Sea Scouting Owner … Wikipedia
Mechanical advantage — is a measure of the force amplification achieved by using a tool, mechanical device or machine system. Ideally, the device preserves the input power and simply trades off forces against movement to obtain a desired amplification in the output… … Wikipedia
Bull riding — is a rodeo sport that involves a rider getting on a large bull and attempting to stay mounted for at least 8 seconds while the animal attempts to buck off the rider. The rider tightly fastens one hand to the bull with a long braided rope. It is a … Wikipedia