rope gripper
Смотреть что такое "rope gripper" в других словарях:
floor covering — Finish material on floors, including wood strips, parquet, linoleum, vinyl, asphalt tile, rubber, cork, epoxy resins, ceramic tile, and carpeting. Wood strip flooring, attached to a subfloor of plywood, is most popular, especially for residences … Universalium
Ski tow — A ski tow, also called rope tow or handle tow, is a mechanised system for pulling skiers and snowboarders uphill. In its most basic form, it consists of a long rope loop running through a pulley at the bottom and one at the top, powered by an… … Wikipedia
Bolted joint — Bolted joints are one of the most common elements in construction and machine design. They consist of cap screws or studs that capture and join other parts, and are secured with the mating of screw threads.There are two main types of bolted joint … Wikipedia
Cable car (railway) — A cable car or cable railway is a mass transit system using rail cars that are propelled by a continuously moving cable running at a constant speed. Individual cars stop and start by releasing and gripping this cable as required. Cable cars are… … Wikipedia
Badger Lord — A Badger Lord is the ruler of Salamandastron in the Redwall series by Brian Jacques.Salamandastron, the mountain fortress on the coast, defends itself and Mossflower Woods from vermin and searats or corsairs. The mountain is populated by fighting … Wikipedia