
сущ. дождевая вода Syn : rain-water

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "roof-water" в других словарях:

  • Roof — A roof is the covering on the uppermost part of a building. A roof protects the building and its contents from the effects of weather. Structures that require roofs range from a letter box to a cathedral or stadium, dwellings being the most… …   Wikipedia

  • Water heating — is a thermodynamic process using an energy source to heat water above its initial temperature. Typical domestic uses of hot water are for cooking, cleaning, bathing, and space heating. In industry, both hot water and water heated to steam have… …   Wikipedia

  • Roof and tunnel hacking — is the unauthorized (generally prohibited and often illegal) exploration of roof and utility tunnel spaces. The term carries a strong collegiate connotation, stemming from its use at MIT, where the practice has a long history (see vadding). It is …   Wikipedia

  • Roof — Roof, n. [OE. rof, AS. hr?f top, roof; akin to D. roef cabin, Icel. hr?f a shed under which ships are built or kept; cf. OS. hr?st roof, Goth. hr?t. Cf. {Roost}.] 1. (Arch.) The cover of any building, including the roofing (see {Roofing}) and all …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Roof plate — Roof Roof, n. [OE. rof, AS. hr?f top, roof; akin to D. roef cabin, Icel. hr?f a shed under which ships are built or kept; cf. OS. hr?st roof, Goth. hr?t. Cf. {Roost}.] 1. (Arch.) The cover of any building, including the roofing (see {Roofing})… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Roof shingle — Roof shingles are a roof covering consisting of individual overlapping elements. These elements are normally flat rectangular shapes that are laid in rows without the side edges overlapping, a single layer is used to ensure a water resistant… …   Wikipedia

  • water butt — water butts N COUNT A water butt is a large barrel for collecting rain as it flows off a roof. [BRIT] (in AM, use rain barrel) …   English dictionary

  • roof — rooflike, adj. /roohf, roof/, n., pl. roofs, v. n. 1. the external upper covering of a house or other building. 2. a frame for supporting this: an open timbered roof. 3. the highest part or summit: The Himalayas are the roof of the world. 4.… …   Universalium

  • water butt — noun a butt set on end to contain water especially to store rainwater • Hypernyms: ↑butt * * * noun 1. : a large cask set up on end to contain water and especially to store rainwater 2. : a receptacle for water (as for a fountain or lavatory) * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • Roof garden — A roof garden is any garden on the roof of a building.Humans have grown plants atop structures since antiquity. Besides the decorative benefit, roof plantings may provide food, temperature control, architectural enhancement, and recreational… …   Wikipedia

  • Water resources — A natural wetland Water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful. Uses of water include agricultural, industrial …   Wikipedia

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