- roll angle
1. угол бокового наклона (проходческого комбайна)
2. мор. угол бортовой качки
3. возд. угол крена
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
roll angle — The angular displacement of a vehicle about its longitudinal axis, i.e., tendency of a vehicle to tip over when cornering or in high cross winds … Dictionary of automotive terms
Involute roll angle — Expressed as ε, the involute roll angle is the angle whose arc on the base circle of radius unity equals the tangent of the pressure angle at a selected point on the involute.1 Notes 1. ANSI/AGMA 1012 G05 , Gear Nomenclature, Definition of Terms… … Wikipedia
suspension roll angle — the angular displacement produced by suspension roll … Mechanics glossary
vehicle roll angle — the angle between the vehicle y axis and the ground plane … Mechanics glossary
angle — Ackerman steer angle aerodynamic angle of attack ambient wind angle attitude angle bank angle camber angle caster angle course angle heading angle inclination angle phase angle sideslip angle … Mechanics glossary
angle — See ackermann angle approach angle attack angle cam angle caster angle departure angle dwell dwell angle front triangle heading angle … Dictionary of automotive terms
roll camber coefficient — the rate of change in wheel inclination angle with respect to change in suspension roll angle … Mechanics glossary
roll steer coefficient — the rate of change in roll steer with respect to change in suspension roll angle at a given trim … Mechanics glossary
Angle of incidence — is a measure of deviation of something from straight on , for example: in the approach of a ray to a surface, or the angle at which the wing or horizontal tail of an airplane is installed on the fuselage, measured relative to the axis of the… … Wikipedia
angle of bank — angle of roll … Useful english dictionary
angle of roll — The angle that the lateral body axis of an aircraft, or any similar body, makes with the selected reference plane in rolling. It is usually the angle between the lateral axis and a horizontal plane. The angle of roll is considered positive if the … Aviation dictionary