rock permeability

rock permeability
проницаемость горных пород

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rock permeability" в других словарях:

  • Permeability (earth sciences) — Permeability in the earth sciences (commonly symbolized as κ , or k ) is a measure of the ability of a material (typically, a rock or unconsolidated material) to transmit fluids. It is of great importance in determining the flow characteristics… …   Wikipedia

  • permeability — [pʉr΄mē ə bil′ə tē] n. 1. the state or quality of being permeable 2. Physics a) the measure of the ease with which a magnetic field can establish magnetic induction in a particular material b) the rate of diffusion of a fluid through a porous… …   English World dictionary

  • permeability coefficient — noun (geology) A measure of the ability of a rock or soil to allow fluids to pass through it • • • Main Entry: ↑permeate …   Useful english dictionary

  • permeability — /perr mee euh bil i tee/, n. 1. the property or state of being permeable. 2. Also called magnetic permeability. Elect. a measure of the change in magnetic induction produced when a magnetic material replaces air, expressed as a coefficient or a… …   Universalium

  • rock — rock1 rockless, adj. rocklike, adj. /rok/, n. 1. a large mass of stone forming a hill, cliff, promontory, or the like. 2. Geol. a. mineral matter of variable composition, consolidated or unconsolidated, assembled in masses or considerable… …   Universalium

  • Rock — /rok/, n. a male given name. * * * I In geology, a naturally occurring and coherent aggregate of minerals. The three major classes of rock igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic are based on the processes that formed them. These three classes are… …   Universalium

  • permeability, specific —    The permeability measured when the rock contains only one fluid [22] …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • permeability — per•me•a•bil•i•ty [[t]ˌpɜr mi əˈbɪl ɪ ti[/t]] n. 1) the quality or state of being permeable 2) phs Physics. a) the rate at which a pressurized gas or liquid passes through a porous medium b) the ability of a medium to permit such flow 3) elm a… …   From formal English to slang

  • sedimentary rock — Rock formed at or near the Earth s surface by the accumulation and lithification of fragments of preexisting rocks or by precipitation from solution at normal surface temperatures. Sedimentary rocks can be formed only where sediments are… …   Universalium

  • Sedimentary rock — Middle Triassic marginal marine sequence of siltstones (below) and limestones (above), Virgin Formation, southwestern Utah, USA Sedimentary rock are types of rock that are formed by the deposition of material at the Earth s surface and within… …   Wikipedia

  • metamorphic rock — Any of a class of rocks that result from the alteration of preexisting rocks in response to changing geological conditions, including variations in temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress. The preexisting rocks may be igneous, sedimentary,… …   Universalium

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