robust test
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Robust statistics — provides an alternative approach to classical statistical methods. The motivation is to produce estimators that are not unduly affected by small departures from model assumptions. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Examples of robust and non robust… … Wikipedia
Test-driven development — (TDD ) is a software development technique consisting of short iterations where new test cases covering the desired improvement or new functionality are written first, then the production code necessary to pass the tests is implemented, and… … Wikipedia
Robust regression — In robust statistics, robust regression is a form of regression analysis designed to circumvent some limitations of traditional parametric and non parametric methods. Regression analysis seeks to find the effect of one or more independent… … Wikipedia
Robust confidence intervals — In statistics a robust confidence interval is the outcome of a specialized set of calculations constructed in such a way as to produce confidence intervals which are not badly affected by outlying or aberrant observations in a data set.In the… … Wikipedia
Robust — A characteristic describing a model s, test s or system s ability to effectively perform while its variables or assumptions are altered. A robust concept can operate without failure under a variety of conditions. Robustness can relate to both… … Investment dictionary
Infosys Test Automation Accelerator — Introduction = Infosys Test Automation Accelerator (ITAA) is a web based solution that works with the automation tools to accelerate test automation process by directly generating ready to run and syntax right test scripts. Overview The in built… … Wikipedia
Breusch–Godfrey test — In statistics, the Breusch Godfrey serial correlation LM test is a robust test for autocorrelation in the residuals from a regression analysis and is considered more general than the standard Durbin–Watson statistic (or Durbin s h… … Wikipedia
Student's t-test — A t test is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic follows a Student s t distribution if the null hypothesis is supported. It is most commonly applied when the test statistic would follow a normal distribution if the value of … Wikipedia
Grubbs' test for outliers — Many statistical techniques are sensitive to the presence of outliers. For example, simple calculations of the mean and standard deviation may be distorted by a single grossly inaccurate data point.Checking for outliers should be a routine part… … Wikipedia
Highly Accelerated Life Test — A Highly Accelerated Life Test (HALT), is a stress testing methodology developed by Gregg K. Hobbs. It is commonly associated with electronics and is performed to obtain information about a product s reliability. Individual components, printed… … Wikipedia
Pearson's chi-squared test — (χ2) is the best known of several chi squared tests – statistical procedures whose results are evaluated by reference to the chi squared distribution. Its properties were first investigated by Karl Pearson in 1900.[1] In contexts where it is… … Wikipedia