robot navigation

robot navigation

1. навигация робота
2. определение (собственного) местоположения робота

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "robot navigation" в других словарях:

  • Mobile robot navigation — For any mobile device, the ability to navigate in its environment is one of the most important capabilities of all. Staying operational, i.e. avoiding dangerous situations such as collisions and staying within safe operating conditions… …   Wikipedia

  • Robot kinematics — is the study of the motion (kinematics) of robots. In a kinematic analysis the position, velocity and acceleration of all the links are calculated without considering the forces that cause this motion. The relationship between motion, and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Robot control — is the study of controlling robots. See also * Control theory * Mobile robot navigation * Robot kinematics * Simultaneous localization and mapping * Robot locomotion * Motion planning * Robot learning * Vision Based Robot Control robot stub …   Wikipedia

  • Robot — This article is about mechanical robots. For other uses of the term, see robot (disambiguation). For software agents, see Bot. ASIMO (2000) at the Expo 2005, a humanoid robot …   Wikipedia

  • Robot combat — Not to be confused with Military robots. A spinner type robot attacks Robot combat is a hobby/sport in which two or more custom built machines use varied methods of destroying or disabling the other. As of today, in most cases these machines are… …   Wikipedia

  • Robot fetishism — An Actroid manufactured by Kokoro Company Ltd. Robot fetishism (also ASFR or technosexuality[1]) is a fetishistic attraction to humanoid robots; also to people acting like robots or people dressed in robot costumes. A less common fantasy involves …   Wikipedia

  • Navigation research — Whereas originally the term Navigation applies to the process of directing a ship to a destination, Navigation research deals with fundamental aspects of navigation in general. It can be defined as The process of determining and maintaining a… …   Wikipedia

  • Navigation function — usually refers to a function of position, velocity, acceleration and time which is used to plan robot trajectories through the environment. Generally, the goal of a navigation function is to create feasible, safe paths that avoid obstacles while… …   Wikipedia

  • Robot spirit — Mars Exploration Rover Illustration artistique du robot Mars Exploration Rover (MER) est une mission spatiale initiée par les États Unis et confiée à la NASA sur la planète Mars. Elle a pour but une exploration géologique de la planète Mars à la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Robot competition — A robotic competition is an event where robots have to accomplish a given task. Usually they have to beat other robots in order to become the best one. Most competitions are for schools but as time goes by, several professional competitions are… …   Wikipedia

  • robot — robotism, n. robotic, robotistic /roh beuh tis tik, bo /, adj. robotlike, adj. /roh beuht, bot/, n. 1. a machine that resembles a human and does mechanical, routine tasks on command. 2. a person who acts and responds in a mechanical, routine… …   Universalium

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