Смотреть что такое "robber-crab" в других словарях:
Robber crab — Robber Rob ber, n. One who robs; in law, one who feloniously takes goods or money from the person of another by violence or by putting him in fear. [1913 Webster] Some roving robber calling to his fellows. Milton. [1913 Webster] Syn: Thief;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
robber crab — ▪ crustacean also called coconut crab large, nocturnal land crab of the southwest Pacific and Indian oceans. It is closely related to the hermit crab and king crab. All are decapod crustaceans (order Decapoda, class Crustacea). Adults are … Universalium
robber crab — /ˈrɒbə kræb/ (say robuh krab) noun a large anomuran crab, Birgus latro, of the Indo Pacific tropics, highly specialised to climb coconut palms for the meat of the nuts; coconut crab …
robber crab — noun 1. : purse crab 2. : hermit crab … Useful english dictionary
Robber — Rob ber, n. One who robs; in law, one who feloniously takes goods or money from the person of another by violence or by putting him in fear. [1913 Webster] Some roving robber calling to his fellows. Milton. [1913 Webster] Syn: Thief; depredator;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Robber fly — Robber Rob ber, n. One who robs; in law, one who feloniously takes goods or money from the person of another by violence or by putting him in fear. [1913 Webster] Some roving robber calling to his fellows. Milton. [1913 Webster] Syn: Thief;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Robber gull — Robber Rob ber, n. One who robs; in law, one who feloniously takes goods or money from the person of another by violence or by putting him in fear. [1913 Webster] Some roving robber calling to his fellows. Milton. [1913 Webster] Syn: Thief;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
crab — crab1 crablike, adj. /krab/, n., v., crabbed, crabbing. n. 1. any decapod crustacean of the suborder Brachyura, having the eyes on short stalks and a short, broad, more or less flattened body, the abdomen being small and folded under the thorax.… … Universalium
Coconut crab — Coconut crab … Wikipedia
hermit crab — any of numerous crabs, esp. of the genera Pagurus and Eupagurus, that protect their soft uncovered abdomen by occupying the castoff shell of a univalve mollusk. [1725 35] * * * Any crab (families Paguridae and Coenobitidae) that uses empty shells … Universalium
purse crab — I. noun : a large anomuran land crab (Birgus latro) that is widely distributed about islands of the tropical Indian and Pacific oceans where it burrows in the soil and feeds on coconuts and is related to the hermit crabs but distinguished by its… … Useful english dictionary