Смотреть что такое "roads" в других словарях:
roads — roads; roads·man; … English syllables
roads — In the absence of significant inland waterways, and with a deficient rail network (see also railways), roads have come to carry the bulk of all land based passenger and freight traffic in Spain. Across the system the quality of road connection … Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture
roads — Long before any human made roads were built in Mesopotamia, people used the rivers to travel long distances. If they had to journey overland, they used donkeys, and later camels and horses, and followed the routes that were physically easiest … Ancient Mesopotamia dictioary
Roads — (as used in expressions) Hampton Roads Hampton Roads, batalla de Hampton Roads, conferencia de … Enciclopedia Universal
roads — Essential for trade and travel in Palestine; roads went from north to south along the coast, and further inland between the hills, with branches into Galilee. Roman highways were kept in good repair and greatly facilitated Paul s journeys,… … Dictionary of the Bible
Roads — BL Government makes provision for, in 1841, 98 99; winter roads at Quebec, 146 147. See also Yonge Street; Dundas Street; Baldoon Road … The makers of Canada
Roads and Transit — [] is a ballot measure in the U.S. State of Washington concerning transportation, that was sent to voters in Snohomish, King, and Pierce counties for approval on November 6, 2007 and defeated by a margin of 56% … Wikipedia
Roads in the Isle of Man — range in size and quality, from narrow country roads to larger roads, and a small stretch of dual carriageway. Over 500 miles of road are named using a similar numbering scheme to that used in the numbering of roads in Great Britain and Northern… … Wikipedia
Roads in Jersey — are labelled A or B in a similar scheme used in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The maximum speed limit on Jersey s roads is 40mph.A Visite du Branchage is an inspection of roads to ensure property owners have complied with the laws against… … Wikipedia
Roads Authority (Namibia) — Staatliche Unternehmen, Ministerien und Einrichtungen Namibias Bezeichnung: Roads Authority … Deutsch Wikipedia
Roads Inspector — Roads Inspectors in Jersey.The Parish Assembly elects two Roads Inspectors for each Vingtaine [or Cueillette in St Ouen] for a three year term of office in accordance with the Loi (1914) sur la Voirie. Roads Inspectors are responsible for the… … Wikipedia