rivet steel
Смотреть что такое "rivet steel" в других словарях:
Rivet — A rivet is a mechanical fastener. Before it is installed it consists of a smooth cylindrical shaft with a head on one end. The end opposite the head is called the buck tail. On installation the rivet is placed in a pre drilled hole. Then the tail … Wikipedia
rivet — riveter, n. rivetless, adj. /riv it/, n., v., riveted, riveting or (esp. Brit.) rivetted, rivetting. n. 1. a metal pin for passing through holes in two or more plates or pieces to hold them together, usually made with a head at one end, the other … Universalium
Rivet gun — A rivet gun is a type of tool used to drive rivets. Nearly all rivet guns are pneumatically powered. The rivet gun is used on the manufactured head side of the rivet and a bucking bar is used on the buck tail side of the rivet. Those rivet guns… … Wikipedia
rivet and riveting — A rivet is a short metal pin or bolt having a head on one end, inserted through aligned holes in two pieces of metal to be joined and then hammered on the narrow end so as to flatten it, forming a second head. Or, as with the kind shown here… … Glossary of Art Terms
Golden rivet — In naval folklore there is a tale that every ship is built containing a single, commemorative golden rivet mdash; an idea doubtless adapted from the golden spike that was temporarily driven at the completion of the transcontinental railroad in… … Wikipedia
pop rivet — A type of tubular rivet which initially has a hard steel pin (like a nail) passing through it; when the pop rivet is fitted with a pop rivet gun, the head of the pin expands the inner end of the tubular rivet, closing it; the head of the pin then … Dictionary of automotive terms
A36 steel — is a standard steel alloy which is a common structural steel used in the United States.Steel Construction Manual, 8th Edition, second revised edition, American Institute of Steel Construction, 1986, ch. 1 page 1 5] The A36 standard was… … Wikipedia
ЗАКЛЕПОЧНАЯ СТАЛЬ — (Rivet steel) сталь, идущая на изготовление заклепок; должна иметь временное сопротивление не менее 35 кг/мм2 при удлинении не менее 25 %. Самойлов К. И. Морской словарь. М. Л.: Государственное Военно морское Издательство НКВМФ Союза ССР, 1941 … Морской словарь
riv´et|er — rivet «RIHV iht», noun, verb. –n. a metal bolt with a head at one end, the other end being hammered into a head after insertion. Rivets fasten heavy steel beams together. –v.t. 1. to fasten with a rivet or rivets. 2. to flatten (the end of a… … Useful english dictionary
Beverage can — pop top redirects here. For the software company, see PopTop Software. pop cap redirects here. For the software company, see PopCap Games. The stay tab opening mechanism characteristic of most post 1980s drinking cans A beverage can is a tin can… … Wikipedia
Stahlhelm — (plural, Stahlhelme ) is German for steel helmet . The Imperial German Army began to replace the traditional leather Pickelhaube (spiked combat helmet) with the Stahlhelm during the First World War in 1916. The term Stahlhelm refers both to a… … Wikipedia