Смотреть что такое "riverboat" в других словарях:
Riverboat — ist eine Fernsehsendung des Mitteldeutschen Rundfunks sowie ein Gebäude in Leipzig, aus dem die Sendung früher ausgestrahlt wurde. Die Fernsehsendung Das aktuelle Studio in der Media City Leipzig Die Talkshow Riverboat ist eine Sendung, die in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
riverboat — [riv′ər bōt΄] n. a large boat with a flat bottom or shallow draft for use in carrying passengers and cargo on rivers … English World dictionary
Riverboat — A riverboat is ship designed for inland navigation. These vessels are usually less sturdy than ships built for the open seas, with limited navigational and rescue equipment, as they do not have to survive the high winds or large waves that are… … Wikipedia
riverboat — [[t]rɪ̱və(r)boʊt[/t]] riverboats N COUNT: also by N A riverboat is a large boat that carries passengers along a river … English dictionary
Riverboat Lodge Motor Inn — (Echuca Moama,Австралия) Категория отеля: 3,5 звезд Адрес: 476 484 High Street, Ec … Каталог отелей
Riverboat Gamblers — Riverboa … Deutsch Wikipedia
Riverboat Gamblers — The Riverboat Gamblers Background information Origin Denton, Texas, USA Genres … Wikipedia
Riverboat Discovery — The Riverboat Discovery is a tour company in Fairbanks, Alaska which operates sternwheel riverboats on the Chena and Tanana rivers.Infobox Company company name = Riverboat Discovery company logo = company type = Family Business (Owned by the… … Wikipedia
Riverboat-Bühne — Die Riverboat Bühne in Leipzig Plagwitz Riverboat ist eine Talkshow des MDR und ein gleichnamiger Veranstaltungsort in Leipzig. Die Sendung wurde ab Januar 1992 zunächst als MDR Club von der MS Dresden und ab April 1992 von der MS Florentina… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Riverboat (TV series) — infobox television show name = Riverboat format = Western picture format = Black and white (1959 1961) runtime = 60 minutes starring = Darren McGavin Burt Reynolds Noah Beery, Jr. country = United States network = NBC first aired = September 13,… … Wikipedia
Riverboat casino — A riverboat casino is a type of casino found in several areas of the United States which use a riverboat as a casino. Several states authorized this type of casino to limit the areas where casinos could be constructed.HistoryWhen first approved,… … Wikipedia