river-basin project

river-basin project

1. схема комплексного использования водных ресурсов речного бассейна
2. водохозяйственная система речного бассейна

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "river-basin project" в других словарях:

  • Colorado River Storage Project — Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell near Page, Arizona. The dam and lake are major components in the Colorado River Storage Project s attempt to regulate the flow of the Colorado River. The Colorado River Storage Project is a United States Bureau of… …   Wikipedia

  • Columbia Basin Project — The Columbia Basin Irrigation Project The Columbia Basin Project (or CBP) in Central Washington, USA, is the irrigation network that the Grand Coulee Dam makes possible. It is the largest water reclamation project in the United States, supplying… …   Wikipedia

  • Indus Basin Project — The Indus Basin Project is a water control project that resulted from a treaty, Indus Waters Treaty, signed between India and Pakistan in 1960 that guaranteed that Pakistan would receive water from the Indus River independent from upstream… …   Wikipedia

  • Columbia Basin Project — Photo satellite de la zone irriguée entourant le lac Potholes. Le Columbia Basin Project (CBP) est un réseau d irrigation rendu possible par le barrage de Grand Coulee, dans le centre de l État de Washington, aux États Unis. C est un des plus… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mekong River Basin Hydropower — Existing, under construction and planned hydropower dams in the Mekong River Basin. The estimated hydropower potential of the lower Mekong Basin (i.e. excluding China) is 30,000 MW,[1] while that of the upper Mekong Basin is 28,930 MW …   Wikipedia

  • Choluteca river basin — The Choluteca river basin lies on the hot and dry southern Pacific coast of Honduras, and is bordered by Nicaragua to the east. The name Choluteca, thought to mean ‘broad valley,’ originates from the indigenous Chorotega tribe who inhabited the… …   Wikipedia

  • Powder River Basin — The Powder River Basin The Powder River Basin is a geologic region in southeast Montana and northeast Wyoming, about 120 miles (190 km) east to west and 200 miles (320 km) north to south, known for its coal deposits. The region supplies …   Wikipedia

  • Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act — The Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act, Public Law 93 320, and the laws authorizing three other conservation cost sharing programs were begun June 24, 1974. In the 1996 farm bill, Public Law 104 127, they were repealed and replaced by a… …   Wikipedia

  • Bridge River Power Project — The Bridge River Power Project is a hydroelectric power development in the Canadian province of British Columbia, located in the Lillooet Country between Whistler and Lillooet. It harnesses the power of the Bridge River, a tributary of the Fraser …   Wikipedia

  • Godavari River Basin Irrigation Projects — The Godavari River has its catchment area in five states of India: Maharashtra, Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Orissa.* Dowleswaram Barrage * Jalaput * Balimela Reservoir * Upper Indravati * Nizam Sagar * Sriram Sagar… …   Wikipedia

  • River Hull — River The tidal barrier at the mouth of the river …   Wikipedia

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