river head
Смотреть что такое "river head" в других словарях:
river head — noun The source of a river • • • Main Entry: ↑river … Useful english dictionary
river head — the confluence of a river and the sea … Dictionary of ichthyology
River Hull — River The tidal barrier at the mouth of the river … Wikipedia
Head Lake — ist der Name folgender Seen in der Provinz Ontario, Kanada: Head Lake (Kawartha Lakes) in der Region Kawartha Lakes, Ursprung des Head River Head Lake (Haliburton) in der Nähe der Stadt Haliburton im Haliburton County, wird vom Drag River… … Deutsch Wikipedia
River Don, South Yorkshire — River Don The River Don as it flows past Hillsborough Stadium. Origin Pennines … Wikipedia
Head of Passes — is where the main stem of the Mississippi River branches off into three distinct directions at its mouth in the Gulf of Mexico: Southwest Pass (west), Pass A Loutre (east) and South Pass (centre). They are part of the Bird s Foot Delta , the… … Wikipedia
Head, Clara and Maria — Township United Townships of Head, Clara and Maria Highway 17 and Ottawa River at Deux Rivières … Wikipedia
Head of tide — is the farthest point upstream where a river is affected by tidal fluctuations. This applies to rivers which flow into tidal bodies such as oceans, bays and sloughs. Though this point may vary due to storms and seasonal or annual differences in… … Wikipedia
head — [hed] n. [ME hede, heved < OE heafod, akin to Ger haupt (OHG houbit, Goth haubith) < IE base * kaput (orig. prob. cup shaped) > L caput: merged in Gmc with word akin to OHG hūba, a cap, crest (Ger haube) < IE base * keu , to bend,… … English World dictionary
River Meon — River Meon Spring … Wikipedia
Head of Cardigan — Administration Pays Canada Province … Wikipédia en Français