rising height
Смотреть что такое "rising height" в других словарях:
Rising damp (structural) — Rising damp is a condition caused by ground moisture rising up a masonry wall by capillary action. It occurs where there is no damp proof course (DPC) or where the DPC has been damaged or bridged. Where present, moisture can rise up the wall to a … Wikipedia
height — [ haıt ] noun *** 1. ) count or uncount how high something is, or how tall someone is: He was about the same height as his wife. in height: a graceful tower, rising to 400 feet in height someone s full height (=their height when they stand up… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Height — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Height >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 height height altitude elevation Sgm: N 1 eminence eminence pitch Sgm: N 1 loftiness loftiness &c. >Adj. Sgm: N 1 sublimity sublimity GR … English dictionary for students
Rising — Rise Rise (r[imac]z), v. i. [imp. {Rose} (r[=o]z); p. p. {Risen}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Rising}.] [AS. r[=i]san; akin to OS. r[=i]san, D. rijzen, OHG. r[=i]san to rise, fall, Icel. r[=i]sa, Goth. urreisan, G. reise journey. CF. {Arise}, {Raise},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
height */*/*/ — UK [haɪt] / US noun Word forms height : singular height plural heights 1) [countable/uncountable] the degree to which something is high or someone is tall He was about the same height as his wife. in height: a graceful tower, rising to 400 feet… … English dictionary
height — /huyt/, n. 1. extent or distance upward: The balloon stopped rising at a height of 500 feet. 2. distance upward from a given level to a fixed point: the height from the ground to the first floor; the height of an animal at the shoulder. 3. the… … Universalium
height — noun Etymology: Middle English heighthe, from Old English hīehthu; akin to Old High German hōhida height, Old English hēah high Date: before 12th century 1. a. the highest part ; summit b. highest or most advanced point ; zenith < at the height … New Collegiate Dictionary
height — n. 1 the measurement from base to top or (of a standing person) from head to foot. 2 the elevation above ground or a recognized level (usu. sea level). 3 any considerable elevation (situated at a height). 4 a a high place or area. b rising ground … Useful english dictionary
rising — Synonyms and related words: Brownian movement, abruptness, abscess, acclinate, acclivitous, acclivity, advance, anabasis, anabatic, angular motion, aposteme, apparition, appearance, appearing, arising, ascendant, ascending, ascension, ascensional … Moby Thesaurus
height — Synonyms and related words: French pitch, Olympian heights, acme, acme of perfection, aerial heights, altitude, amount, amplitude, apex, apogee, apotheosis, area, ascent, assumption, authority, authorization, be all and end all, beatification,… … Moby Thesaurus
rising — adj 1. advancing, coming, approaching, nigh; ascending, uprising, mounting, accelerating, increasing; lifting, climbing, soaring, wafted. n 2. advance, approach, drawing nigh or near; ascension, ascent, uplifting, climbing, mounting. 3. uprising … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder