rise to the bait

rise to the bait
попасться на удочку

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rise to the bait" в других словарях:

  • rise to the bait — To do what someone else intends or suggests one should do • • • Main Entry: ↑bait rise to it or rise to the bait (figurative, from fishing) To take the lure • • • Main Entry: ↑rise * * * rise to the bait british phrase …   Useful english dictionary

  • rise to the bait — ► rise to the bait react to a provocation exactly as intended. Main Entry: ↑bait …   English terms dictionary

  • rise to the bait — to react to something that someone has said in exactly the way that they wanted you to react, usually by becoming angry. Anthony keeps saying that women make bad drivers but I refuse to rise to the bait. (often negative) …   New idioms dictionary

  • rise to the bait — react to a provocation or temptation exactly as intended. → bait …   English new terms dictionary

  • rise to the bait — British to become angry when someone is deliberately trying to annoy you …   English dictionary

  • bait — ► NOUN ▪ food put on a hook or in a trap to entice fish or other animals. ► VERB 1) taunt or tease. 2) set dogs on (a trapped or restrained animal). 3) put bait on or in. ● rise to the bait Cf. ↑rise to the bait …   English terms dictionary

  • rise to it — or rise to the bait (figurative, from fishing) To take the lure • • • Main Entry: ↑rise …   Useful english dictionary

  • rise — rise1 [ raız ] (past tense rose [ rouz ] ; past participle ris|en [ rızn ] ) verb intransitive *** ▸ 1 move upward ▸ 2 increase ▸ 3 achieve success/power ▸ 4 stand up ▸ 5 be tall/high ▸ 6 fight against government ▸ 7 become red ▸ + PHRASES 1. )… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bait — [[t]be͟ɪt[/t]] baits, baiting, baited 1) N VAR Bait is food which you put on a hook or in a trap in order to catch fish or animals. 2) VERB If you bait a hook or trap, you put bait on it or in it. [V n with n] He baited his hook with pie... [V n] …   English dictionary

  • rise — [[t]ra͟ɪz[/t]] ♦ rises, rising, rose, risen 1) VERB If something rises, it moves upwards. [V from/to n] Wilson s ice cold eyes watched the smoke rise from his cigarette... The powdery dust rose in a cloud around him. PHRASAL VERB …   English dictionary

  • bait — 1 noun (singular, uncountable) 1 food used to attract fish, animals, or birds so that you can catch them: Worms make excellent fish bait. | take the bait (=eat it and be caught) 2 something used to make someone do something, buy something etc:… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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