rinsing water
Смотреть что такое "rinsing water" в других словарях:
Rinsing — Rinse Rinse, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Rinsed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Rinsing}.] [OE., fr. OF. rincer, rimser, reinser, ra[ i]ncier, F. rincer; of uncertain origin.] 1. To wash lightly; to cleanse with a second or repeated application of water after… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rinsing — noun Date: 1818 1. dregs, residue usually used in plural 2. water that has been used for rinsing usually used in plural … New Collegiate Dictionary
rinsing — rɪns n. act of washing or cleansing with a liquid (as with water) v. wash, cleanse (as with water); soak in water to remove soap or dirt … English contemporary dictionary
rinsing — noun the removal of soap with clean water in the final stage of washing • Syn: ↑rinse • Derivationally related forms: ↑rinse, ↑rinse (for: ↑rinse) • Hypernyms: ↑removal, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
deionized-water rinsing — plovimas dejonizuotu vandeniu statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. deionized water rinsing vok. Reinigung im entionisierten Wasser, f rus. промывка в деионизированной воде, f pranc. rinçage dans l eau désionisée, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Industrial water treatment — can be classified into the following categories:* Boiler water treatment * Cooling water treatment * Wastewater treatmentWater treatment is used to optimize most water based industrial processes, such as: heating, cooling, processing, cleaning,… … Wikipedia
Ceramic water filter — Ceramic water filters are an inexpensive and effective type of water filter, that rely on the small pore size of ceramic material to filter dirt, debris, and bacteria out of water. Contents 1 Method of action 2 Development and expansion 3 See… … Wikipedia
Electrolyzed water — Electrolysed water (EOW also known as electrolyzed oxidizing water, electro activated water or electro chemicaly activated water solution) is produced by the electrolysis of ordinary tap water containing dissolved sodium chloride. This occurs in… … Wikipedia
Calotype — or talbotype is an early photographic process introduced in 1841 by Henry Fox Talbot, using paper coated with silver iodide. The term calotype comes from the Greek el. κάλο for good , and el. τύπος for impression . How calotypes work The… … Wikipedia
Mi-tarashi — The honorific term for hand rinsing [water] ; it refers to the pure water, preferably from a running source such as a clear river (mitarashi gawa or harae gawa), used for rinsing the hands and mouth before entering a shrine or participating in … A Popular Dictionary of Shinto
Washing machine — This article is about the laundry cleaning apparatus. For the Sonic Youth album, see Washing Machine (album). A typical modern front loading washing machine Irreler Bauerntradition shows an early Miele was … Wikipedia